20 March Daily Scripture Reading

20 March Daily Scripture Reading

The Daily Reading (8-12 minutes TLSB in study) -Invocation -Prayer BLESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast, the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given us in our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. -Readings (Daily Lectionary Checklist) -Benediction December (The Daily List based on ancient models, generally in harmony with liturgical church year) (Meditations from “A Year in the New or Old Testament or Church Fathers TDP” Dates, Church Year and pg.numbers refer to date of meditation for scripture text or Psalms with Luther) 1 Luke 1:46-55 Revelation 1-2 (12/13,12/14 NT) (12/13 CF) 2 Psalm 1 Revelation 3-5 (12/15,12/16,12/17 NT) (12/15,16,17 CF) 3 Psalm 2 Revelation 6-8 (12/18,12/19,12/20 NT) (12/10 CF) 4 Psalm 3 Revelation 9-11 (12/21,12/22,12/23 NT) 5 Psalm 4 Revelation 12-14 (12/24 NT) (12/24 CF) 6 Psalm 5 Revelation 15-17 (Meditation on Psalm) 7 Psalm 6 Revelation 18-20 (Meditation on Psalm) (pg.364-65 CF) 8 Psalm 7 Revelation 21-22 (Meditation on Psalm) (pg.367-69 CF) 9 Psalm 8 Isaiah 1-3 (11/27,28 OT) (11/27,28 CF) 10 Psalm 9 Isaiah 4-6 (11/29,30 OT) 11 Psalm 10 Isaiah 7-9 (12/1,2 OT) (12/1,2 CF) 12 Psalm 11 Isaiah 10-12 (12/4,5 OT) (12/5 CF) 13 Psalm 12 Isaiah 13-15 (12/6) (12/6 CF) 14 Psalm 13 Isaiah 16-18 (Meditation on Psalm) 15 Psalm 14 Isaiah 19-21 (Meditation on Psalm) 16 Psalm 15 Isaiah 22-24 (12/7 OT) 17 Psalm 16 Isaiah 25-27 (12/9,12/10 OT) 18 Psalm 17 Isaiah 28-30 (12/11,12/12,12/13 OT) (12/4 CF) 19 Psalm 18 Isaiah 31-33 (12/16,12/17 OT) 20 Psalm 19 Isaiah 34-36 (12/18 OT ) (12/18 CF) 21 Psalm 20 Isaiah 37-39 (Meditation on Psalm) 22 Psalm 21 Isaiah 40-42 (12/19,12/20,12/21 OT) (12/19,21 CF) 23 Psalm 22 Isaiah 43-45 (12/22,12/23,12/24 OT) (12/22,23 CF) 24 Psalm 23 Isaiah 46-48 (Meditation on Psalm) 25 Psalm 24 Isaiah 49-51 (12/25,12/26 OT) 26 Psalm 25 Isaiah 52-54 (12/27,12/28 OT) 27 Psalm 26 Isaiah 55-57 (12/29 OT) (12/29 CF) 28 Psalm 27 Isaiah 58-60 (12/30,12/31 OT) 29 Psalm 28 Isaiah 61-63 (1/1, ½,⅓ OT) (1/1 CF) 30 Psalm 29 Isaiah 64-66 (1/4, ⅕ OT) (⅕ CF) 31 Luke 1:46-55 Mark 1 ( Mark Ash Wednesday-Saturday Lent 5 NT) (pg.74 CF) January 2025 1 Luke 1:68-79 Mark 2 (Mark Ash Wednesday-Saturday Lent 5 NT) 2 Psalm 30 Mark 3 3 Psalm 31 Mark 4 (pg 79 CF) 4 Psalm 32 Mark 5 (pg 81,82 CF) 5 Psalm 33 Mark 6 (pg 84,85 CF) 6 Psalm 34 Mark 7 (pg 86,87 CF) 7 Psalm 35 Mark 8 (pg 87,88 CF) 8 Psalm 36 Mark 9 (pg 91 CF) 9 Psalm 37 Mark 10 (pg 92,93 CF) 10 Psalm 38 Mark 11 (pg 94-96 CF) 11 Psalm 39 Mark 12 (pg 96-99 CF) 12 Psalm 40 Mark 13 (pg 99-100 CF) 13 Psalm 41 Mark 14 (pg 101-104 CF) 14 Psalm 42 Mark 15-16 (pg 105-108 CF) 15 Psalm 43 Genesis 1-3 (Genesis Ash Wed.-Sat. Lent 4 OT) (pg 74-75 CF) 16 Psalm 44 Genesis 4-6 (pg 76-77 CF) 17 Psalm 45 Genesis 7-9 18 Psalm 46 Genesis 10-12 (pg 80 CF) 19 Psalm 47 Genesis 13-15 20 Psalm 48 Genesis 16-18 (pg 83-84 CF) 21 Psalm 49 Genesis 19-21 22 Psalm 50 Genesis 22-24 (pg 85 CF) 23 Psalm 51 Genesis 25-27 (pg 88-89 CF) 24 Psalm 52 Genesis 28-30 (pg 89 CF) 25 Psalm 53 Genesis 31-33 26 Psalm 54 Genesis 34-36 27 Psalm 55 Genesis 37-39 28 Psalm 56 Genesis 40-42 29 Psalm 57 Genesis 43-45 30 Psalm 58 Genesis 46-48 31 Luke 1:68-79 Genesis 49-50 February(The Daily List based on ancient models, generally in harmony with liturgical church year) 1 Luke 2:29-32 Exodus 1-3 (Ex.5thSundayLent-Sat.Easter 3 OT) (pg 104 CF) 2 Psalm 59 Exodus 4-6 (pg 107 CF) 3 Psalm 60 Exodus 7-9 4 Psalm 61 Exodus 10-12 (pg 114 CF) 5 Psalm 62 Exodus 13-15 (pg 115,119,121 CF) 6 Psalm 63 Exodus 16-18 (pg 122 CF) 7 Psalm 64 Exodus 19-21 8 Psalm 65 Exodus 22-24 9 Psalm 66 Exodus 25-27 10 Psalm 67 Exodus 28-30 11 Psalm 68 Exodus 31-33 (pg 131-33 CF) 12 Psalm 69 Exodus 34-36 13 Psalm 70 Exodus 37-38 14 Psalm 71 Exodus 39-40 (Ex.5thSundayLent-Sat.Easter 3 OT) (pg 136 CF) 15 Psalm 72 Leviticus 1-3 (Meditation on Psalm 72-101) 16 Psalm 73 Leviticus 4-6 17 Psalm 74 Leviticus 7-9 (pg 141-142 OT) 18 Psalm 75 Leviticus 10-12 (pg 143 OT) 19 Psalm 76 Leviticus 13-15 20 Psalm 77 Leviticus 16-18 (pg 144-46 OT) (pg 141-2 CF) 21 Psalm 78 Leviticus 19-21 (pg 147-49 OT) 22 Psalm 79 Leviticus 22-24 (pg 150-152 OT) 23 Psalm 80 Leviticus 25-27 (pg 153-154 OT) 24 Psalm 81 Numbers 1-3 (pg 155 OT) 25 Psalm 82 Numbers 4-6 26 Psalm 83 Numbers 7-9 (pg 156-157 OT) (pg 153 CF) 27 Psalm 84 Numbers 10-12 (pg 156 CF) (pg 158-160 OT) 28 Luke 2:29-32 Numbers 13-15 (pg 3 CF) (pg 161-163 OT)