Zerodha Vs Nirmal Bang [Hindi]

Zerodha Vs Nirmal Bang [Hindi]

Install Our Stock Market Education App Now: To Become a Pro User, Use Coupon Code: "YTSUBS" to get 20% off on every plan. Check out this Video to see detailed Hindi comparison between Zerodha and Nirmal Bang - prominent stock brokers in India. The video compares both the stock brokers on the following aspects: Overview Pricing (Brokerage, Account Opening, Transaction Charges) Research Trading Platforms Exposure or Leverage Other features This comparison should be able to help you in figuring out which of the two suits you better. Detailed comparison here - Free Stock Broker Selection Service - Nirmal Bang Review - Zerodha Review - Facebook -   / adigitalblogger   Twitter -   / adigitalblogger   To Learn About Stock Market in Detail, Subscribe Our Youtube Channel "Stock Pathshala": Open 100% Free Demat account, 0 AMC - The logos used in the video belong to their respective owners (Zerodha and Nirmal Bang in this case). A Digital Blogger, in no way, claims any of the copyright images or content. Install Our Stock Market Education App: