MMI Interview | Typically Asked Questions #medschool #medicalstudent #interview

MMI Interview | Typically Asked Questions #medschool #medicalstudent #interview

1. Ethical Dilemma Scenario: You are a doctor and a patient is refusing life-saving treatment due to personal beliefs. You believe this treatment is essential for their survival. How do you proceed? Key Skills: Ethical reasoning, patient autonomy, communication, empathy. 2. Breaking Bad News Scenario: A patient has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and you have to inform them. How would you deliver this news? Key Skills: Empathy, communication, professionalism. 3. Teamwork and Collaboration Scenario: You're working with a team of healthcare professionals, and one of your colleagues is not contributing to the group project. How do you address this issue? Key Skills: Teamwork, conflict resolution, leadership, communication. 4. Conflict Resolution Scenario: Two people in your team have a disagreement about how to handle a situation. How would you resolve the conflict? Key Skills: Mediation, conflict resolution, leadership, interpersonal skills. 5. Prioritization and Time Management Scenario: You are a healthcare professional with limited time. You need to decide which of several patients needs immediate attention. How do you prioritize? Key Skills: Critical thinking, time management, decision-making. 6. Social Media Ethics Scenario: You come across a post on social media where a colleague has shared a patient's private information. How would you handle the situation? Key Skills: Professionalism, ethical judgment, confidentiality.