HOYAS FOR HOYA HATERS - Eight Hoyas To Help You Change Your Mind About Hating Hoyas

HOYAS FOR HOYA HATERS - Eight Hoyas To Help You Change Your Mind About Hating Hoyas

In this video, we dive deep into the world of Hoyas, specifically tailored for those who might not be the biggest fans of these unique houseplants. HOYAS FOR HOYA HATERS takes a fresh look at why these beloved yet often controversial plants are worth considering—even if you're a self-proclaimed "Hoya hater." Whether you're into rare plants, houseplants, or simply looking for updates on how Hoyas grow and evolve, this video has something for everyone. Join us as we explore the best tips for caring for Hoyas, their surprising beauty, and the unique traits that set them apart from other houseplants. From low-maintenance varieties to stunning blooms, Hoyas might just surprise you! This video includes detailed Hoya plant updates, care strategies, and insights on why these plants are making a big comeback in plant communities. Plus, we address the common concerns that many people have about Hoyas and offer solutions. Whether you’re a Hoyahead or someone who dislikes them, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of these fascinating plants! Don't forget to subscribe for more rare plant content, plant updates, and tips on how to care for Hoyas and other unique houseplants! Time Stamp 00:00 — Opening 00:30 — Seeds Update 01:05 — Suspended Cuttings 02:52 — Hoya kentiana 06:44 — Hoya sp Lai Chang Forest 10:00 — Hoya heuschkeliana (inner variegated) 13:21 — Hoya spartioides 17:19 — Hoya caudata (gold) 21:27 — Hoya latifolia ‘Sarawak’ 25:58 — Hoya acicularis 28:52 — Hoya decipulae 33:29 — Thanks 33:49 — Question for the Comments 34:43 — Closing My Links Buy Me A Coffee – https://buymeacoffee.com/PlantedInRI My Amazon Storefront – https://www.amazon.com/shop/PlantedInRI As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Thanks for your support. My Website – https://www.plantedinri.com Instagram – @plantedinri Email [email protected]    / @plantedinri   #hoya #hoyas #hoyahead #hoyaupdates #hoyacare #rarehouseplants #rareplants #houseplantcare #hoyaforbeginners #hoyablooms #indoorplants #hoyalovers #hoyahaters #uniquehouseplants #hoyaplanttips #plantcaretips #rareplantcare #houseplantupdates #hoyaplantvarieties #low-maintenancehouseplants #plantlovercommunity #hoyaplantsurprises #growinghoyas #rareplants #houseplants #hoyareview #hoyakentiana #hoyalaichangforest #hoyalaichang #hoyaheuschkeliana #hoyaspartioides #hoyacaudata #hoyacaudatagold #hoyalatifolia #hoyalatifoliasarawak #hoyasarawak #hoyaacicularis #hoyadecipulae