Vanilla Cake In LG Microwave Oven | Soft And Spongy Vanilla Cake | स्पंजी वनीला केक रेसिपी

Vanilla Cake In LG Microwave Oven | Soft And Spongy Vanilla Cake | स्पंजी वनीला केक रेसिपी

Vanilla Cake In LG Microwave Oven | Soft And Spongy Vanilla Cake | स्पंजी वनीला केक रेसिपी Hello Everyone, today I am sharing Vanilla Cake Recipe made in microwave oven. Follow my recipe and your cake will be so spongy and delicious. Perfect match for your tea time. Vanilla Cake in LG Microwave Oven, Soft And Spongy Vanilla Cake, स्पंजी वनीला केक रेसिपी, Cake Recipe, Cake, Spongy Vanilla Cake recipe by Cooking World, Cooking World, Spongy, Microwave, Oven, How to make Vanilla cake, Easy way to make Vanilla Cake, Vanilla Cake, How to make Cake, Simple Cake Recipe My other recipes:- Diwali Special Sweet Gulab Jamun Recipe | गुलाब जामुन रेसिपी | Gulab Jamun Recipe | गुलाब जामुन Tomato Soup Recipe | Tomato Soup in Hindi | टमाटर सूप Matar Ki Ghugni Recipe | Bengali Traditional Ghugni Recipe in Hindi | मटर घुगनी Eggless Gulab Jamun Cake Recipe | Gulab Jamun Cake | Indian Fusion Cake How To Make Perfect Whipping Cream For Cake Icing in Hindi | केक आइसिंग के लिए व्हिप क्रीम Masala Kaju Namkeen Recipe in Hindi | Kaju Namak Pare Recipe | Diwali Snacks | मसाला काजू रेसिपी 3 ingredient Chocolate Sandesh Recipe | चॉकलेट सन्देश | Diwali Sweet | Bengali Traditional Sweet Indian Small Kitchen Tour | Small Kitchen Organization Ideas | Organize Your Kitchen Chicken Momo Recipe | चिकन मोमो बनाने की सबसे आसान तरीका | Restaurant Style Chicken Momos in Hindi 10 Minutes Instant Kalakand Recipe | Kalakand Recipe | कलाकंद रेसिपी | Kalakand Recipe in Hindi If you like my video, please give it a thumbs up. Share with your family and friends. Subscribe my channel and hit the bell icon. VanillaCakeInLGMicrowaveOven #SoftAndSpongyVanillaCake #स्पंजीवनीलाकेकरेसिपी