Simple Ambient Pad with R&B Groove - Easy A Minor Guitar Backing Jam Track
#guitar #jamtrack #guitarbackingtrack Hey there, I’m Ryan the guy behind Guitarist HQ. Our channel provides guitar backing tracks to jam along with in a variety of genres like blues, rock, pop, country, and RnB. While I try to use a variety of keys, styles, and tempos, if you have suggestions for a track feel free to leave a comment and I’ll use that to inspire a new jam track and tag you with credit for the idea. If you enjoy the backing tracks please consider liking the video, and leaving me a comment. I read every one, and always enjoy hearing from players who’ve had a good jam from one my tracks. Guitar tones courtesy of Fractal Audio Systems FM3. Bass, Drums and other virtual instruments tracked with MidiPlus AKM320 keyboard. All guitar backing tracks recorded, mixed, and mastered in Logic Pro. Guitar scale diagram courtesy of https://jguitar.com Legal Notes: All content produced and composed for Guitarist HQ by Ryan White protected by copyright - all rights reserved. Backing tracks are free to be used to solo over for personal use in social media videos with link to the original Guitarist HQ video. For licensing or customization of a track for commercial use - contact us.