Top 10 Fish for 40 Gallon Saltwater Tank

Top 10 Fish for 40 Gallon Saltwater Tank

Hey everybody it's Brock and we got a brand new episode of All About and today we are going to be looking at what the top 10 fish you should add to your 40 gallon saltwater tank. We might even add an invert and coral to the list to really catch anyone's attention that comes to check your tank out. A really common name for the 40 gallon tanks are Breeders! This is due to them typically being much shorter which allows for an easier access to get into the tank when needed. The dimensions of a 40 gallon are 36 x 18 x 16 inches. This is your typical size you'd see at your local fish store. I've also seen a longer version that is 48 x 12 x 16 to give you some more length to the tank. To set one up from scratch, you'll want to get a bag of sand, I usually prefer aragonite or black sand from Carib sea. Then I'll do a mixture of live and dry rock to make some nice caves, some bridges, and over hangings for all the marine life to enjoy swimming through. I'll add some sort of filtration to it, whether it be a hang on the back filters, canisters, whichever you see best. Get a powerhead to add some additional flow to the tank especially if you want to get some corals in the future. A heater that'll auto shut off when the tank gets to the right temperature and lastly a light. Let it run for a month and test those parameters. Now, what should your first fish be?