Ex.-11.4 ( Q. - 5 ) Class 7 | A path 1m wide is built along the border and inside a square garden
👉 Class 7 NCERT Maths Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area ( परिमाप और क्षेत्रफल ) Exercise 11.4 Question 5 A path 1m wide is built along the border and inside a square garden of side 30 m . Find: (i) the area of the path . (ii) the cost of planting grass in the remaining portion of the garden at the rate of ₹ 40 per m² . ---------- 30 m भुजा वाले एक वर्गाकार बगीचे की परिसीमा से लगा भीतर की ओर 1m चौड़ा पथ बना हुआ है | ज्ञात कीजिए : (i) पथ का क्षेत्रफल (ii) ₹ 40 प्रति m² की दर से बगीचे के शेष भाग पर घास लगवाने का व्यय | --------- आयत का क्षेत्रफल | पथ का क्षेत्रफल |आयत का क्षेत्रफल का सूत्र | क्षेत्रमिति | Area of the path | Area of Rectangle | Area of Rectangle Formula | Mensuration | Important Question | Class 7 NCERT Maths Solution | Maths by Kiran Sharma ______ ➡️ PLAYLISTS ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class-7 (Maths) | Ch.-1 | Integers ( पूर्णांक ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.-1 | Integers ( ... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class-7 (Maths) | Ch.-2 | Fractions and Decimals ( भिन्न और दशमलव ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths| Ch.-2 | Fractions an... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class-7(Maths) | Ch.-3 | Data Handling( आंकड़ों का प्रबंधन ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.-3 | Data Handli... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class-7(Maths) | Ch.-4 | Simple Equations ( सरल समीकरण ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.-4 | Simple Equa... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class-7(Maths) | Ch.-5 | Lines and Angles( रेखा और कोण ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.-5 | Lines and A... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class-7 (Maths) | Ch.-6 |The Triangles and Its Properties(त्रिभुज और उसके गुण): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.-6 |The Triangle... ♦️New NCERT Maths | Class-7 (Maths) | Ch.-7 | Comparing Quantities ( राशियों की तुलना ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.-7 | Comparing Q... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus |Class-7(Maths)| Ch.-8 | Rational Numbers ( परिमेय संख्याएं ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.- 8 | Rational N... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class 7 (Maths)| Ch. 9 | Perimeter and Area (परिमाप और क्षेत्रफल): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.- 9 | Perimeter ... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class-7(Maths)| Ch.-10 | Algebraic Expressions ( बीजीय व्यंजक ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.-10 | Algebraic ... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class-7 (Maths) | Ch.-11 | Exponents and Powers ( घातांक और घात ): • ✅🔵 Class 7 Maths | Ch.-11 | Exponents... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class -7 ( Maths) | Ch.-12 | Symmetry ( सममिति ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.-12 | Symmetry (... ♦️New NCERT Syllabus | Class-7 (Maths) | Ch.-13 | Visualising Solid Shapes ( ठोस आकारों का चित्रण ): • ✅🔵Class 7 Maths | Ch.-13 | Visualisin... ________ #पथकाक्षेत्रफल #areaofpath #areaofrectangle #आयतकाक्षेत्रफल #सूत्र #formula #class7 #class7maths #class7mathschapter11 #perimeterandarea #परिमापऔरक्षेत्रफल #EPclassesbyKiranSharma #क्षेत्रमिति #mensuration #importantquestions