FIRST TIME WATCHING War for the Planet of the Apes MOVIE REACTION!
Caesar, portrayed by Andy Serkis, along with his fellow apes, finds himself embroiled in a perilous confrontation with a formidable human army commanded by a merciless colonel, played by Woody Harrelson. Following devastating losses endured by the apes, Caesar grapples with his more sinister impulses and embarks on a legendary mission to seek retribution for his kind. Ultimately, this journey culminates in a climactic encounter between Caesar and the colonel, leading to an extraordinary conflict that will decide the destiny of both their species and the future of the Earth. SUPPORT ME ON PATREON - / popcornreactions Follow Me On Social Media.... INSTAGRAM: / popcornreac. . / showdownbeatz / popcornaction https://tinyurl.com/app/#:~:text=http... #moviereactions #popcornreaction #popcornmovies #popcornreactions