No sitting or laying down in this killer Standing Abs Workout. We will target that core and set those obliques on fire with a series of standing ab exercises. Focus on using your breath and exhale as you draw your belly button in each time you lift your knee/leg. No equipment needed in this bodyweight ab workout so just follow along! #standingabs #smallwaist #flatbelly This workout is: ♥︎Full Body ♥︎Steady state ♥︎Focus: ABS FLAT BELLY ♥︎Knee Friendly ♥︎30 Sec Work, 10 Sec Rest ♥︎All Standing ♥︎No Jumping ♥︎No Equipment W A R M U P BEFORE WORKOUT • 5 MIN FULL BODY 🔥 WARM UP BEFORE WORKOUT ♥︎The Gear I Use: Camera: https://amzn.to/3GYAfKR Lens: https://amzn.to/3HmaAgI Tripod: https://amzn.to/3XLyyqZ Stabilizer: https://amzn.to/3HkVTKI Second Camera https://amzn.to/3QSpCOs Second Lens https://amzn.to/3J3txWC ✘ S U B S C R I B E 🔔 ✘ I N S T A G R A M: / ingrid.k1ck ✘ TIK-TOK: / ingridkick ✉ C O N T A C T (business inquiries): [email protected] 👇🏼 DONATE to support MY CHANNEL: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Ingri... ♡ MY MUSIC (30 days free): https://share.epidemicsound.com/kqjobb Hello EVERYONE ! I'm Ingrid and I'm so glad to have you here . This is a place where I post my workouts and healthy life style videos My goal is to help inspire everyone at all fitness and levels to get up, get moving and reach their goals ! Please Do NOT forget to Subscribe & Like & Comment to support my channel ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ Your Comments and Ideas help me to achieve my goal faster . Thank you so much for being one part of this community . D I S C L A I M E R This is my own personal workout and may not be suited for you. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk. #standingabs #smallwaist #flatbelly standing abs workout,standing abs,standing abs workout no jumping,standing abs no equipment,standing abs no jumping,knee friendly workout for weight loss,abs at home workout for women,abs at home workout,waistline challenge,standing waistline challenge,belly fat,burn belly fat workout,burn belly fat,burn belly fat exercises for women,girl, abs,abdominales de pie,10 Min Standing Abs Workout to get Ripped ABS,low impact workout,low intensity standing abs,6pack, abs, small waist. lose belly fat, Smaller Waist, Lose Belly Fat in 14 Days - 30MIN Standing Workout, SMALLER WAIST and LOSE BELLY FAT in 14 Days | Home Workout, best abs workout at home without equipment treino de abdominais em pé, abdominais em pé, treino de abdominais em pé sem salto, abdominais em pé sem equipamento, abdominais em pé sem salto, treino amigável para o joelho para perda de peso, treino de abdominais em casa para mulheres, treino de abdominais em casa, desafio da cintura, desafio da cintura em pé, barriga gordura,queimar exercícios de gordura da barriga,queimar gordura da barriga,queimar exercícios de gordura da barriga para mulheres abs,abdominales de pie, girl kiss cardio,treino de baixo impacto,abdômen em pé de baixa intensidade,6pack, abs, cintura pequena. perder gordura da barriga 서있는 복근 운동, 서있는 복근, 서있는 복근 운동 점프하지 않음, 서있는 복근 장비없이 서있는 복근 점프하지 않음, 체중 감량을위한 무릎 친화적 인 운동, 여성을위한 집에서 복근 운동, 집에서 복근 운동, 허리 라인 챌린지, 서있는 허리 라인 챌린지, 뱃살 뚱뚱한, 뱃살 태우기 운동, 뱃살 태우기, 여성을 위한 뱃살 태우기, 버피걸, 버피걸 복근, 복부 드 파이, 버피걸 키스 카디오, 저충격 운동, 저강도 서 있는 복근, 6팩, 복근, 작은 허리. 뱃살 빼기, 한국식