Creating a Bootable USB Drive for Windows Step-by-Step Guide @kohli_1397
🔥✅🔥💻इस video में laptop या computer में window install करने के लिए bootable pen drive कैसे बनाया जाता है इसके बारे में बहुत details में step by step जानकारी दिया हुआ है वीडियो पसंद आए तो लाइक कर देना चैनल पर नए है तो सब्सक्राइब कर लेना👉👇👇 Related computer laptop video link:- • your pc device need to be repaired | ... • Make Your Computer & Laptop 200% Fast... • intel i7-3770 quad core 3.40ghz proce... • One Click Laptop Shutdown - How It Wo... • Kisi bhi laptop ka model kaise pata k... • laptop me password kaise lagaye | lap... • Laptop Se Password Kaise Hataye | How... • laptop me password kaise lagaye | lap... • automatic update window kaise band ka... • how to download free windows 11 | win... • how to download free windows 11 | win... • bootable pendrive kaise banaye | wind... • mobile ka data laptop me kaise transf... • bootable pendrive banana sikhe sirf 5... • Laptop me app install karna sikhe इस ... • laptop me app install karna sikhe | c... • Laptop ya computer me youtube kaise i... My equipments:- MAONO Au-Pm422 USB Mic: https://amzn.in/d/1zti5xf Boya by M1 mic: https://amzn.in/d/hrwpMI4 GRENARO J13 Wireless Microphone: https://amzn.in/d/bzjfDfZ MAK Wireless mic: https://dl.flipkart.com/s/JkxqmauuuN HP wired headphones mic 1 year warranty (B4B09Pa): https://amzn.in/d/cwGGiNV Bluetooth mini speaker: https://amzn.in/d/bAVjg1A truke Buds S2 Lite: https://dl.flipkart.com/s/YxIQEZNNNN My phone: https://dl.flipkart.com/s/YxHsfqNNNN Your queries:- bootable pendrive telgu bootable pendrive kaise banaye bootable usb windows 10 bootable pendrive ko normal kaise kare bootable pendrive malyalam bootable pendrive se window 10 kaise install kare bootable pendrive kaise banaen bootable usb windows 11 bootable device acer laptop bootable pendrive se window 7 kaise install kare bootable pendrive kaise banaye mobile se how to make bootable how to make bootable pendrive malyalam how to make bootable pendrive telgu how to make bootable usb windows 10 how to make bootable usb windows 11 how to make bootable usb windows 7 how to make bootable pendrive for windows 10 how to make bootable pendrive in mobile how to make bootable pendrive to normal how to make bootable pendrive for windows 11 how to make bootable pendrive with rufus how to make bootable usb how to download windows 10 in mobile windows 10 mobile me kaise download karen bootable pendrive kaise banaye window 10 window 10 ki bootable pendrive kaise banaye power iso se bootable pendrive kaise banaye command prompt se pendrive ko bootable kaise banaye pendrive ko bootable kaise banaye windows 10 pro bootable pendrive kaise use kare bootable pendrive kaise banaye rufus se bootable pendrive kaise banaye using rufus windows 7 bootable pendrive kaise banaye rufus rufus me bootable pendrive kaise banaye rufus se multi bootable pendrive kaise banaye rufus to bootable pendrive kaise banaye windows 10 bootable pendrive kaise banaye bootable pendrive kaise banaye software bootable pendrive kaise banaye sai techvision ventoy se bootable pendrive kaise banaye bootable pendrive se normal pendrive kaise banaye uefi bootable pendrive kaise banaye windows 7 64 bit bootable pendrive kaise banaye bootable pendrive kaise banaye windows 7 2025 windows 10pro bootable pendrive kaise banaye pendrive ko bootable kaise banaye pendrive me bootable kaise banaye windows 10 bootable pendrive kaise banaye 2025 windows 8.1 bootable pendrive kaise banaye windows 7 bootable pendrive kaise banaye windows 10 bootable pendrive kaise banaye bootable pendrive kaise banaye windows 11 bootable pendrive kaise banaye ncl computer pendrive ko uefi bootable kaise banaye usb pendrive ko bootable kaise banaye ubuntu me bootable pendrive kaise banaye online pendrive ko bootable kaise banaye normal pendrive ko bootable pendrive kaise banaye new pendrive ko bootable kaise banaye computer se bootable pendrive kaise banaye bootable pendrive kaise banaye unique computer how to boot pendrive in hp desktop rufus download windows 11 download telgu windows 11 media creation tool windows 11 iso malyalam windows 10 download windows 11 usb how to install windows 11 windows 11 download create bootable usb windows bootable usb #Bootablependrivekaisebanaye #hiwtomakebootablependrive #rufussependrivekaisebanaye #window10kibootablependrivekaisebanaye Facebook id https://www.instagram.... https://www.facebook.c... https://www.facebook.c... https://www.facebook.c... Copyright Disclaimer: - Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of FAIR USE.