A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols: St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in the City of Charleston, SC

A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols: St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in the City of Charleston, SC

A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols December 17, 2023 5 o'clock in the afternoon St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in the City of Charleston, South Carolina Bulletin for this service: https://tinyurl.com/SSEC23LessonsAndC... 00:00 Preludes "Wexford Carol" arr. Stephen DeCesare (b. 1969), Kimberly A. King, flute; Scott Curry, Clarinet 2:31 Preludes "Good Christian Friends, Rejoice" arr. Gary Lanier (1943-2022), Kimberly A. King, flute; Scott Curry, Clarinet 6:44 Opening Carol 102 Once in Royal David's City (Irby) Nicole Watts, alto soloist 10:56 Bidding Prayer 14:03 The Invitatory "The Father's Love" arr William Roger Price (b. 1955) 18:12 First Lesson: Genesis 3: 8-15, 17-19 (Reader: Vicki Anthos) 20:51 Carol: The King shall come" George Mabry (b. 1945) 24:32 Second Lesson: Genesis 22: 15-18 (Reader: Xavier Williams) 25:37 Carol "Prepare the way, O Zion" arr. Carol McClure (b. 1955) 27:32 Third Lesson: Isaiah 9: 2, 6-7 (Reader: Michael Shewan) 28:11 Carol: "Comfort Ye, My People" and "Every Valley" from Messiah, G.F. Handel (Dennis Shuman, tenor) 35:07 Fourth Lesson: Isaiah 11:1-3a, 4a, 6-9 (Reader: Joey Froneberger) 36:44 Carol: "Where is this stupendous stranger" Thomas Gibbs, Jr. (1946-2022) 39:32 Fifth Lesson: Luke 1: 26-35, 38 (Reader: Nicole Watts) 41:55 Carol: "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly" Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) 44:52 Sixth Lesson: Luke 2: 1, 3-7 (Reader: Katie Wingerter) 45:49 Carol: "Flößt, mein Heiland, flößt dein Namen" J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Margaret Kelly Cook, soprano, Laura Ball, soprano, Kimberly A. King, flute 51:50 Carol: "What Child is This" (Greensleeves) 54:56 Seventh Lesson: Luke 2: 8-16 (Reader: Angela Mack) 56:36 Carol: "Gesù Bambino" (Pietro Yon 1886-1943 arr. Mark Schweizer 1956-2019), Xavier Williams, countertenor 1:01:20 Eighth Lesson: Matthew 2: 1-12 (Reader: Tom Page) 1:04:18 Carol: "We Three Kings" 1:08:28 Ninth Lesson: John 1: 1-14 (Reader: The Rev. Dr. Adam J. Shoemaker) 1:10:32 Carol: "Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day" John Gardner (1917-2011) 1:12:38 Carol: "O Come, All Ye Faithful" (Adeste fideles) 1:18:15 The Blessing & Dismissal 1:19:19 Postlude: "Postlude on 'Adeste Fideles'" Alec Wyton (1921-2007) __ THE SAINT STEPHEN'S CHOIR Wayne Helmly (Organist & Choirmaster) SOPRANOS Lynn Chiappone Margaret Kelly Cook Sylvia Franke Betty Gore Joanne Lingerfelt Joan Pittman Silke Sida Sandra Teel ALTOS Laura Ball Ellen Creede Linda Gill Daphne Lewis Judy Limehouse Darlene Moak Nicole Watts Xavier Williams TENORS Brad Erickson Walter Limehouse Joe McFalls Dennis Shuman BASSES Greg Adams Robert Ball Scott Curry Michael Fenwrick Glenn German ___ COPYRIGHTS: #102 "Once in Royal David's City", Irby text & tune in the public domain "The Father's love" arr William Robert Price (b. 1955) © 2003 St. James Music Press #83 "O come, all ye faithful" (Adeste fideles) descant Sir David Willcocks © Oxford University Press text & tune in the public domain "The king shall come" George Mabry (b. 1945) © 2016 St. James Music Press "Prepare the way, O Zion" arr Carol McClure (b. 1955) © 2010 St James Music Press "Comfort ye my people" and "Every valley" from Messiah G. F. Handel (1685-1759) © 1912 G Schirmer "Where is this stupendous stranger" Thomas Gibbs, Jr (1946=2022) © 2016 St James Music Press "Infant holy, infant lowly" Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) in the public domain "Flößt, mein Heiland, flößt dein Namen" from Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248/4 J. S. Bach (1685-1750) in the public domain #115 "What child is this", Greensleeves text & tune in the public domain descant © 2008 Jeff Whitmill "Gesu Bambino" Pietro A Yon (1886-1943) arr Mark Schweizer (1956-2019) © 2011 St. James Music Press Postlude on "Adeste Fideles" arr. Alec Wyton (1921-2007) © 1973 Sacred Music Press Streaming permission for hymns and service music from The Hymnal, 1982 granted via OneLicense M-401644 and CCLI #21344148 Other music under copyright appears with permission via WORSHIPcast License from Christian Copyright Solutions CCS License #15205 All other material Copyright © 2023 St. Stephen's Episcopal Church All rights reserved. St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Livestreaming is Broadcast Live and Archived on Facebook & YouTube Using vMix HD (v See past services and events at https://www.youtube.com/@saintstephen...