How to Process Ugu Seeds for Best Germination Rate | Fluted Pumpkin Gardening Tips
Should you plant ugu seeds immediately after opening the pods or should you dry it first? Why should you dry the Ugu seeds and for how long should Ugu seeds be dried? I break down for you how to process ugu seeds to best germination in this video. Ugu (also known as okong obong), has the botanical name Telfairia occidentalis. It is a tropical vine grown in West Africa. This is an indigenous vegetable crop in Africa. It is also called fluted pumpkin. Ugu plant is cultivated mainly for its leaves. It is a major part of African delicacy. If you need culturally important seeds for your garden please check out the following links. https://trueloveseeds.com?sca_ref=1744862.rdlbikbClc https://www.osiafrik.com?sca_ref=1684465.bkQOQq1SAw By supporting them with my link, you help support me as well. Yaje's African Garden & Allotment is about growing culturally meaningful African vegetables. I have been pushing the zone and growing African vegetables in my Texas (Zone 9a) garden for more than 20 years. My mission is encourage everyone to grow food. I grow Bitterleaf, Okra, Anchia, Garden eggs, Garden huckleberry (njama njama), Fluted pumpkin (Ugu or okong obong), various pepper varieties, corn and so much more in my garden. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel to learn and be inspired: / yajemedia Join our backyard community on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/11931... Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CQpAd1_Fk...