The Secret Power of Amicia De Rune's Sling in Plague Tale Requiem
#shammishafi09 #ytshorts #shortsfeed #shorts #amicia #aplaguetalerequiem #slingshot The sling is one of the first projectile weapons ever invented and is believed to have been created as far back as ten millennia. Being merely two straps and a pouch, it is light and easy to carry or conceal. Not merely a weapon, Amicia can also use it to, for example, shoot out a link in a chain, causing a box to drop. To fire, first, the projectile, most often a stone, is placed in the pouch. The middle finger or thumb is placed through a loop on the end of one cord, and a tab at the end of the other cord is placed between the thumb and forefinger. The sling is swung in an arc, and the tab released at a precise moment. This frees the projectile to fly to the target. The sling essentially works by extending the length of a human arm, thus allowing stones to be thrown much farther and faster than they could be by hand. The sling does take a moment to prime and then charge, which forces Amicia to stand still to aim, leaving her vulnerable to counterattack and necessitating a planned shot. Using it also makes a loud crack, alerting enemies in the area. It also has a limited range compared to weapons like a bow and requires a solid blow to an unprotected head to deliver a clean kill. Source::: https://aplaguetale.fandom.com/wiki/S...