Solo Stove Irish Soda Bread in the Dutch Oven

Solo Stove Irish Soda Bread in the Dutch Oven

Hello Everyone! We are coming up to St. Patrick's Day and it is always fun to celebrate. In this video I am throwing back to my second YouTube video and making some bread! This is the first time I have ever tried making Irish Soda bread. The recipe itself is pretty easy for bread! It doesn't take a lot of work either, so it is great. execution might need to be got to watch the video to see! (ww 6pts/slice) Here is a link to my first bread in the dutch oven video (and boy do I got to do that yumminess again!)   • Campfire Beer Bread in the Dutch Oven   #campfirecooking #solostove #dutchoven #flop #wwrecipes #stpatricksday #irishsodabread