Solo Stove Irish Soda Bread in the Dutch Oven
Hello Everyone! We are coming up to St. Patrick's Day and it is always fun to celebrate. In this video I am throwing back to my second YouTube video and making some bread! This is the first time I have ever tried making Irish Soda bread. The recipe itself is pretty easy for bread! It doesn't take a lot of work either, so it is great. However...my execution might need to be rethought...you got to watch the video to see! (ww 6pts/slice) Here is a link to my first bread in the dutch oven video (and boy do I got to do that yumminess again!) • Campfire Beer Bread in the Dutch Oven #campfirecooking #solostove #dutchoven #flop #wwrecipes #stpatricksday #irishsodabread