MAKE GOD THE DRIVER OF YOUR LIFE | HOMILY 09 February 2025 with Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD
MAKE GOD THE DRIVER OF YOUR LIFE HOMILY - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9, 2025 MOVE OVER By Fr Jerry Orbos, SVD The story is told about two really old friends who went out for a drive. Everything was fine except when the one driving beat a yellow light, then a red light, and they almost had an accident. The one on the passenger’s seat said: “Friend, slow down. Drive safely or we both will get killed!” Whereupon the one driving said: “Oh, am I the one who is driving?” —————- In today’s Gospel (Luke 5:1-11) we hear how Peter obeyed Jesus who told him: “Put out into the deep and lower your nets for a catch.” From that moment on, Peter allowed Jesus to be the driver in his life. He let someone greater than himself to take over, and become a part of His vision and mission. —————- Pride and selfishness make us feel or think that we are in control of everything in our lives. And so it happens that we rely on our own worldly wisdom, strength, resources, and connections, and we forget to rely on God. May we learn to move over, give the steering wheel to God, and let Him take us wherever He wants us to go. —————- Let go, and let God. This is the mindset we must constantly have if we are to become true disciples of our Lord. When we can say that life is all about Him, and not about me, then, we are really journeying to God’s heart. Let our sincere motto be: God’s will, God’s way, God’s time! —————- GOD’S WILL. “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command, I will lower the nets” (Luke 5:5). Peter obeyed what Jesus commanded him to do. We must surrender our agenda (to catch fish), to His agenda (to become fisher of men). “Thy will be done, Lord” is the constant prayer of a true disciple. —————- GOD’S WAY. “Put out into deep water and lower your nets” (Luke 5:4). Peter, the fisherman, obeyed Jesus who knew nothing about fishing. He surrendered his knowledge and did it His way. All too often, we have so-called disciples whose song in life is: “I did it my way.” No sir, no Ma’am, let’s do it His way! —————- GOD’S TIME. “Do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching men” (Luke 5:10). Prior to this statement of Jesus, Peter said: “Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful man.” His time for conversion had come, and he did not refuse it. From then on, he left everything, and followed Him. “When the time is ripe, I the Lord will make it happen.” (Isaiah 60:22) —————- May we never forget that we, who are recipients of God’s blessings, forgiveness, and healing must learn to be grateful and not forget our payback time unto the Lord. We, who are recipients of His so many gifts in this life, must not forget the Giver of our gifts, and the Giver of our life. —————- It is so inspiring to see our Filipino missionaries going to foreign missions, “going into the deep,” to be fishers of men and women to the Lord, leaving all that is dearest, braving deprivations, loneliness, and even persecutions, at the Lord’s command. We ask ourselves today: What have I done, what have I sacrificed for God in my lifetime? —————- So inspiring to have met an Argentinian missionary who opted to stay and serve in our country, especially the poor and the underprivileged, in the person of Fr. Luciano Felloni. Mission accomplished dear “canzmate” at 51. I know him as a simple, humble, joyful, and personable priest, prayerful and so present to people far and wide through social media. Thank you for your service to the Filipino people whom you love, and who love you, too. —————- We thank the Lord for six new priests ordained by Bishop Raul Dael, DD, (Diocese of Tandag) yesterday Feb. 8, 2025, at the Divine Word Seminary, Tagaytay, ready to “go into the deep” as Divine Word Missionaries: Fr. Eoin B. Hubilla, SVD (to Portugal); Fr. Ian Mar S. Limbag, SVD (to Philippine-South); Fr. Jonathan B. Florino, SVD (to Poland); Fr. Joseph Wu, SVD (to Philippine-Central); Fr. Jayvee C. Vagilidad, SVD (to Ecuador); Fr. Daniel Lee, SVD (to USA). Thank you, Lord for these young men, ready and willing to go wherever You send them, at your command. —————- A moment with the Lord: Lord, take the wheel; I’m moving over, please take over. Amen. Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer #frjerryorbosmasstoday #SundayMass