Learn Bug Insect Names Babies Preschoolers Kids with Real: Ladybug Beetle Bee Spider Scorpion

Learn Bug Insect Names Babies Preschoolers Kids with Real: Ladybug Beetle Bee Spider Scorpion

#animalnames #animalsforkids #animals #animallearning - Learn Bug Insect Names Babies Preschoolers Kids with Real: Ladybug Beetle Bee Spider Scorpion - --Black ants can lift things 50 times heavier than their own weightβ€”like you lifting a car! 🐜πŸ’ͺ --A green grasshopper jumps so high, it’s like a person jumping over a house! πŸ¦—πŸŒΏ --Spiders spin webs that are so strong they can hold the weight of a tiny insect! πŸ•·οΈπŸ•ΈοΈ --The red scorpion uses its tail for defense and hides in cool places during the hot daytime! πŸ¦‚πŸŒ΅ --Bumblebees are fuzzy workers that pollinate flowers and help them grow! 🐝🌸 --A ladybug is a symbol of good luck, and it helps the garden by eating harmful insects! πŸžπŸ€ --Dragonflies can fly forward, backward, and even hover in the air like tiny helicopters! πŸͺπŸŒΏ - Here children go on an exciting journey through the world of animals! We learn amazing facts, get acquainted with different kinds of animals living in jungles, oceans, deserts and even in zoos. Each issue is a fun and educational adventure full of discoveries.