IBC Singapore Worship Service -  25 October 2020 11:15am

IBC Singapore Worship Service - 25 October 2020 11:15am

Welcome to our online service! If you're streaming this live, we invite you to head on over to https://ibcsingapore.online.church/ for a fuller online worship experience with our Pastors and Elders. You'll be able to watch our online church with added features, like fellowship via chat, private prayers, sermon notes, and Bible access--all in one place. You can also join our Zoom Rooms after service. Just click any of the links below. Pray with a Pastor: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82050607976... Chat & Connect: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83023369595... If you're watching this at your own time and would want to know more about our online programs please visit http://online.ibcs.org or email us at [email protected] for more information. IBC Singapore online church streams every Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 9:15am & 11:15am (GMT +8). Subscribe to our channel to receive notifications. The International Baptist Church of Singapore is located at 81 King's Road, Singapore 266358. In view of the current circumstances, we've moved all our services online so we hope to see you at https://ibcsingapore.online.church for our time of worship. Connect with us! Online Hub: http://online.ibcs.org/ Facebook:   / ibcsingapore   Instagram:   / ibcsingapore