durov caps airdrop update - claim chapter 1 now #durov #nft
Durov's Caps Airdrop l Free NFT l New Update Chapter 1 Join my Telegram Group: https://t.me/pharmcointap Hi, you're welcome tech world on here with us is Cap Angel and we are in CAP community, official community page which has a 3.5 millions. And then we are in shuttle one who said it's something about Shatter 1 before the NFT in Charter one. And this NFT is giving us A2 ticket per hour. So let's read what they said. I say chapter 1, the final stage, the final stage, the first stage. The first stage shutter shutters have begun become available in cabs, shelter have become available in camp. Participate and get various gifts, opportunities in contents, limited events and secret rewards with bonuses. This is cap a drop if you are just joining my YouTube channel for the very first time. All you are yet to subscribe to the YouTube channel, please do where to hit the subscription button and also. The notification button so that anytime I post you'll be the first to be notified. So here with us is the second paragraph. We say that the seasons of the free gift has begun. Make sure to collect as many as you can. You will be able to use gifts for staking to integrate and even more to come. So what I want to say now is that I will I will be leaving a link in the description box for you to sign in to this. And then you know this crap head drop is being hold by Drew Cap Duro Cap that is Telegon's owner. So he's going to cook well. Just sign into them. 1 + 2 is a 1 + 1 is 2. So you see head over to check out the update and still turn and stay tuned for the so we are going over to the mini camp now the mini head drop now going to open the mini AirDrop and see. What is there? So please do where to log in. So this is a 16 day strike. You see we have been using free, free things now 16 days strike from strike one to 16 days. So what we have to do now we are clicking on NFT again. I have to pick this NFT, pick this NFT. So I've clicked on it now. It's a daily reward has already been clean OK daily reward have already been cleaned OK, that is the NFT. So this is the NFT now I've always just taken you know, we're having problem in my previous video. We're having problem with this my dog, my dog so my dog, my dog having big prob ALL MY AIRDROP my link on NODEPAY AIRDROP: https://app.nodepay.ai/register?ref=C... LAYER I AIRDROP LINK: You got 10K SoSoValue EXP from your friend! 🎉 Sign up to SoSoValue now and unlock all the powerful features for free! 🚀 #SoSoValue: https://sosovalue.com/join/ZQ3894D8 CODE: ZQ3894D8 LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/pharmjosephjoy CAP AIRDROP: https://t.me/DurovCapsBot/caps?starta... PAWS AIRDROP LINK: https://t.me/PAWSOG_bot/PAWS?startapp... XENEA AIRDROP LINK: https://xenea.app/register/15N6VZbJWq CODE: 15N6VZbJWq join my link Voltix https://voltix.ai/dashboard/salenodes... join my link SparkChain: https://sparkchain.ai/register/?r=468... my Nodepay link: https://app.nodepay.ai/register?ref=C... my Naoris link: https://naorisprotocol.network/ Code: EJnSV4HqeFfHWyOM my Bless Network link: https://bless.network/ Code: https://bless.network/dashboard?ref=7... my SosoValue link: You got 10K SoSoValue EXP from your friend! 🎉 Sign up to SoSoValue now and unlock all the powerful features for free! 🚀 #SoSoValue: https://sosovalue.com/join/ZQ3894D8 my link on Superchain Faucet: Add Network Name: Unichain Sepolia Testnet RPC URL: https://sepolia.unichain.org Chain ID: 1301 Currency symbol: ETH Explorer: CLAIM Sepolia FAUCET Google CLoud: https://cloud.google.com/application/... Faucet Triangle: https://faucet.triangleplatform.com/e... Bware Labs: https://bwarelabs.com/faucets/ethereu... SuperChain: https://console.optimism.io/faucet Bridge ETH to Unichain https://superbridge.app/unichain-sepolia Bridge Back https://testnet.brid.gg/unichain-sepo... https://testnet.brid.gg/unichain-sepo... my link on NodeGo Airdrop: https://app.nodego.ai/r/NODEF22C749D3F01 my link theNothingapp Airdrop: https://t.me/thenothingapp_bot/thenot... my Gokite ai link: https://testnet.gokite.ai?r=ehEKczTY my Spark Chain link: https://sparkchain.ai/register/?r=468... my Taker Mining link: https://earn.taker.xyz?start=XJD9V my Cpen Referral link: https://www.cpen.io?r=pharmjosephjoy my link on 3DOS referral link: https://dashboard.3dos.io/register?re... my link on MESHCHAIN; https://app.meshchain.ai?ref=R0XLEPMOFC91