Resident Evil 2 Remake: Claire 2nd Hardcore S+ (1/4) R.P.D.

Resident Evil 2 Remake: Claire 2nd Hardcore S+ (1/4) R.P.D.

IMPORTANT! If you use this video as a guide, make sure to read the playlist description first! It has important general information that applies to all videos.    • Resident Evil 2 Remake: Claire 2nd Ha...   Getting all three Medallions in RPD and opening the secret passage. Can (and should) be done in 20 minutes or less. Keep in reserve 2 Knives and 1 Flash Grenade for Birkin/G1 boss fight. What to take at item boxes 1. GUARDROOM: Handgun, Bullets, Courtyard Key, Bolt Cutters 2. BREAK ROOM: Handgun, Bullets, Bolt Cutters, Fuse, Weapon Locker Key 3. DARKROOM: Handgun, Bullets, Valve Handle, Detonator 5. DARKROOM: Handgun, Bullets, Detonator, Spade Key 6. SECRET ROOM: Knife, Knife, Flash Grenade Notes 01:40 - Zombie positions get pretty randomized. You probably will have to restart a few times to get one that you can get through. 04:18 - The zombie in the East Office also starts out at different places on different runs. Be ready to adapt. 14:53 - I forgot to move the right side. :( Not the end of the world, but will make completing the puzzle more risky if chased by Mr. X. 15:46 - You want to let the shelf fall, as blocking the door, even for a moment, makes Mr. X go around the other way (if he was coming here from the library).