Marriage Not Built This Way Will Eventually Fail | Kingsley Okonkwo

Marriage Not Built This Way Will Eventually Fail | Kingsley Okonkwo

Marriage Not Built This Way Will Eventually Fail! What makes a marriage strong, lasting, and unshakable? Many couples enter marriage with love and good intentions, but without the right foundation, even the strongest relationships can crumble. Some build based on what is acceptable in their culture, but I believe marriage carries way more value than just your culture! Marriage transcends generations and must be built as such. If not, it is prone to experiencing destruction just like countries get destroyed during war, but it is possible to last no matter the weather, through the storms In This Video, You’ll Learn: 3 Types of marriage & The key principles that sustain a lasting marriage Common mistakes that lead to broken relationships What the Bible and experience teach about building a godly, thriving marriage How to strengthen your union and avoid failure 💡 Key Takeaway: A marriage without the right foundation is destined to struggle—but when built God’s way, it can stand the test of time! Stay Connected Website: Instagram:   / ldmwithpk   Twitter:   / ldmwithpk   Facebook:   / lovedatingandmarriage   Stay Connected With Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo Kingsley Okonkwo YouTube: Kingsley Okonkwo Facebook:   / pastorkingsleyokonkwo   Kingsley Okonkwo Instagram:   / kingsleypst   Kingsley Okonkwo Twitter:   / kingsleypst   #kingsleyokonkwo #Ldmwithpk #PastorK #DCCNIGERIA #LatestPastorKsermon #fixyourmarriage #relationshipadvice #marriagetips #loveandmarriage #strongmarriage #christianmarriage #relationshipgoals #marriagecounseling #biblicalmarriage #howtobuildamarriage #godlymarriage #marriagemistakes #relationshipproblems #marriagewisdom #marriageadviceforcouples #marriagefoundation #faithandmarriage #healthyrelationshiptips #whymarriagesfail #fixyourmarriage #marriagemistakestoavoid #happywifehappylife #relationshipcoach #secretsforhappymarriage #buildingastrongmarriage #relationshipredflags #husbandandwiferelationship #howtomakeamarriagelast #couplesadvice #marriageandfamily #strongerrelationship #lastinglove #relationshiptruths #commitmentinmarriage #relationshipcoaching #godcenteredmarriage #trustandcommunication #loveandfaith #marriageprinciples