MX Bikes Ultimate Beginners Guide for MODS
Episode 1 of the Ultimate Beginners Guide series is here! CHAPTERS: 0:00 INTRO 0:11 PREPERATION 1:21 OEM and TIRES 3:31 BIKE GRAPHICS 4:48 GEAR 5:44 TRACKS 7:09 BOOTS 8:12 HELMETS 9:13 IN GAME 9:46 OUTRO WINRAR: https://www.win-rar.com/download.html... MXB MODS: https://mxb-mods.com/ FANTIC 450: https://mxb-mods.com/sl-design-fantic RENEN GEAR: https://mxb-mods.com/renen-gear-kits PALETA V2: https://mxb-mods.com/paleta-raceway-v2 If you enjoy the content you can watch me streams RIGHT here on YouTube every Monday through Thursday THANK YOU PANICREV for the Channel support https://panicrev.org/ http://www.camprev.com/ THANK YOU NIKO and MX BIKES SHOP for providing my dedicated server. If you would like to purchase your own dedicated server go ahead and click this link here! https://mymxb.com/product/rent-your-m... EDITING by @kaptinfish MERCH: https://reaperdoc-shop.fourthwall.com/ Twitter: / reaperd0c Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reaperd0c/?... Donations: https://streamlabs.com/reaperd0cmoto Discord: / discord