The Evolution of Supercross in MX Bikes...
The Evolution of Supercross in MX Bikes... In this video I walk you through the evolution of supercross tracks in mx bikes! From bare bones to the insanely accurate replicas we have now, Mx Bikes sure has evolved over the years! RD Music: https://open.spotify.com/album/1l1TGP... RD Tracks: https://mxbikes-shop.com/creator/reap... RD PC: https://alexanderpcs.com/pages/reaperdoc MTG: https://www.motocrossthegame.com/ SUPPORT MTG HERE https://mxthega.me/kickdoc RD Music: https://open.spotify.com/album/1l1TGP... RD Music YT: / @rdmusic138 MY GEARR!!! CONTROLLER: https://amzn.to/4d8dd3n HEADSET: https://amzn.to/3zVj5hs MIC: https://amzn.to/46paBLS WEBCAM: https://amzn.to/46jWWp2 MOUSE: https://amzn.to/3RzbiwN KEYBOARD: https://amzn.to/3PMVVza MOUSE PAD: https://amzn.to/3RukHWe SPONSORSHIPS! RD CANDLES: https://www.sweetlitewax.com/shop/rd-... ALEXANDER PCS: https://alexanderpcs.com/discount/Doc PANICREV: https://panicrev.org/ http://www.camprev.com/ THANK YOU NIKO and MX BIKES SHOP for providing my dedicated server. If you would like to purchase your own dedicated server go ahead and click this link here! https://mymxb.com/product/rent-your-m... BECOME A MEMBER BELOW! / @reaperdoc Donations: https://streamlabs.com/reaperd0cmoto MERCH: https://reaperdoc-shop.fourthwall.com/ Discord: / discord Sign up for Races Here: https://mymxb.com/ How to download mods: • MX Bikes Ultimate Beginners Guide for... Mx bikes shop website: https://www.mxbikes-shop.com/ mxb mods website: https://mxb-mods.com/ BIKE PACK: https://mxb-mods.com/oem-bike-pack