"Awaken Divine Light: Mandala Meditation for Inner Peace 🌟 | Ya Nur Chant"

"Awaken Divine Light: Mandala Meditation for Inner Peace 🌟 | Ya Nur Chant"

"Awaken Divine Light: Mandala Meditation for Inner Peace 🌟 | Ya Nur Chant" Here is a guided mandala meditation centered on Al-Nur (The Light): Preparation: 1. Choose Your Space: Sit in a quiet and clean space where you won't be disturbed. Place a mandala representing light (a circular pattern with radiating forms) in front of you. If you don’t have one, visualize a glowing golden mandala. 2. Set the Atmosphere: Light a candle and focus on its flame. Use soft, instrumental Sufi music or chant "Ya Nur" softly in the background. 3. Posture: Sit cross-legged with your spine straight. Rest your hands on your knees, palms facing upward. Meditation Steps: 1. Grounding: Close your eyes and take three deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Visualize roots extending from your base into the earth, grounding you. 2. Invocation: Whisper the phrase “Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim” (In the name of Allah (God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful) to center your intention. Mentally repeat “Ya Nur” (O Light) three times, invoking the Divine Light. 3. Mandala Focus: Open your eyes gently and gaze at the center of the mandala or imagine it in your mind’s eye. See it radiating pure, golden light. Imagine this light as a beam connecting you to the Divine. 4. Breathing with Al-Nur: As you inhale, silently say “Ya Nur” and visualize light entering your heart. As you exhale, imagine the light expanding outward, filling your body and your surroundings. 5. Chanting & Visualization: Begin chanting “Ya Nur” aloud or silently. Synchronize the chant with the glowing mandala. See the mandala pulsing with every chant, radiating brighter light that fills the room. 6. Deep Connection: Close your eyes and see the mandala now inside your heart, spinning and glowing. Imagine the light dissolving any darkness, doubts, or fears within you. Let it purify your mind, body, and soul. 7. Expansion: Visualize the light flowing from your heart into the world, illuminating everything it touches. Feel yourself as a beacon of Divine Light, spreading peace and love. Closing: 1. Whisper “Alhamdulillah” (All praise is due to Allah God) and thank the Divine for this connection. 2. Take three deep breaths and slowly open your eyes. 3. Sit in silence for a moment, observing the peaceful energy within and around you. Practice this meditation regularly to deepen your connection with Al-Nur and become a vessel of Divine Light in your life. Born Mystic🔮Sufi Murshida Divine Channeler 😇 🙏 Guiding you through 🖤 shadow work 💛 to the light. Mending 🔥TF🔥 Broken Hearts 💔 Subscribe to my channel for safe, loving Divine guidance.🤍 #SufiMeditation #AlNur #DivineLight #YaNur #MandalaMeditation #SpiritualAwakening #HealingLight #InnerPeace #MysticPractice #LightChanting #MeditationForPeace #SpiritualHealing #SufiChanting #SacredMeditation #AwakenYourLight