Join me for this 10 min energizing yoga stretch, that is day 8 in our yoga 30 day challenge #yoga

Join me for this 10 min energizing yoga stretch, that is day 8 in our yoga 30 day challenge #yoga

🧘‍♀️Ease into your day with this 10 minute morning yoga stretch for Stiff & Sore Body. 🌿Welcome to day 8 of the 30 day yoga challenge, where I’m going to take you through this simple yet effective 10 minute easy sore body yoga stretch to ease you into your day. This is a gentle yoga practice suitable for all levels, great for beginners. This 10-minute gentle yoga stretch is perfect for relieving tension and stiffness in your body. 💪Whether you're dealing with soreness from sitting too long or physical activity, this yoga stretch is designed to help you unwind and stretch out those tight muscles. 🙏To help you stay motivated and keep track of your practices, I've created a free 30 day Challenge calendar for you:🙏 💌Download here: 🦋 DONATIONS Donations to my channel allows me to keep creating new yoga content + keeps yoga free & accessible to everyone. If you'd like to donate you can click the link below: Thank you so much for your support! ✅ Get your FREE Yoga OFF the mat Guidebook For Beginner: 🙏 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more free yoga classes every week! Hit the notification bell to stay updated.💕 Sending you much love and peace! Darja 💙 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 🔰 Stay Connected: 🦋 3-Month 1:1 Transformative Coaching Program - 🌐 Website: 📸 Instagram:   / darjamakejeva   🎵 TikTok:  / darjamakejevayoga   ✅ Get your FREE Yoga OFF the mat Guidebook For Beginner: 🥳 Welcome to 30 Day Yoga Challenge, "Flexible Body & Flexible Mind", where over the next 30 days, you will join me on the mat for variety or yoga classes, to improve your bodies flexibility, and once a week for a meditation to crate space between your thoughts and clam your mind. #10minyoga #flowwithdarja #30daychallenge #30dayschallenge #30dayyogachallenge #30dayworkoutchallenge #30dayworkout #GentleYoga #SoreMuscleRelief #FullBodyStretch #FlowWithDarja #YogaForFlexibility #TensionRelief #SoreBodyStretch #EasySoreBodyYoga #StiffBodyRelief #QuickYogaForSoreness #GentleYogaStretch #YogaForStiffness Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:23 Childs Pose, gentle arriving, stiff hip and shoulder stretch 0:48 Child Pose waves, easy stretch for sore shoulders and hips 1:32 Cat/Cow easy stiff body and spine stretches 3:26 Easy side body stretch for still and sore body 4:54 Low lunge, easy stiff hips stretch 5:38 Half Splits, easy stiff legs stretch 6:04 Wide legged forward fold, easy full body stretch 8:34 One Legged seated twist, gentle stiff back, legs and hips stretch 9:58 Butterfly Pose, deep stretch for relaxation 10:49 Neck rolls, stiff and sore neck and shoulders stretch 11:13 Gentle ending of Easy Sore Body Stretch for a Stiff & Sore Body