PLRA 1967 | Section 36-41 | Revenue Laws | Tehsildar | PPSC | CE GK By Engr Khan

PLRA 1967 | Section 36-41 | Revenue Laws | Tehsildar | PPSC | CE GK By Engr Khan

Punjab Land Revenue Act 1967 (MCQs) "Unlock the secrets of the Punjab Land Revenue Act 1967! This video is specifically designed for aspirants of the Tehsildar job, covering key aspects of the Act. Get a comprehensive understanding of land revenue administration, assessment, and collection. Enhance your knowledge and boost your chances of success in the Tehsildar exam. Join CE GK by Engr Khan for more informative content on competitive exams, government jobs. #PunjabLandRevenueAct1967 #TehsildarExam #LandRevenueAdministration #PunjabRevenueDepartment #TehsildarJob #GovernmentJobs #CompetitiveExams#LawAndGovernance #PunjabGovernment#CEGKbyEngrKhan #GeneralKnowledge