6 Archetypes of Toxic Parents
Was Your Other Parent Narcissistic Too? • Was Your Other Parent Narcissistic To... Unfinished Business From Childhood Trauma - 3 Examples • Unfinished Business From Childhood Tr... Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:43 The Reactor - 1) Characteristics of the Archetype 3:28 The Reactor - 2) Variations of the Archetype 5:00 The Reactor - 3) How Is the Archetype Toxic? 5:52 The Reactor - 4) Getting Triggered in Present Day 6:30 I Just Work Here Parent - 1) Characteristics of the Archetype 8:18 I Just Work Here Parent - 2) Variations of the Archetype 9:00 I Just Work Here Parent - 3) How Is the Archetype Toxic? 10:03 I Just Work Here Parent - 4) Getting Triggered in Present Day 11:04 The Safer One - 1) Characteristics of the Archetype 13:46 The Safer One - 3) How Is the Archetype Toxic? 15:06 The Safer One - 4) Getting Triggered in Present Day 17:13 The Monster - 1) Characteristics of the Archetype 19:14 The Monster - 2) Variations of the Archetype 20:01 The Monster - 3) How Is the Archetype Toxic? 20:15 The Monster - 4) Getting Triggered in Present Day 22:04 The Method Actor - 1) Characteristics of the Archetype 25:39 The Method Actor - 2) Variations of the Archetype 25:56 The Method Actor - 3) How Is the Archetype Toxic? 26:51 The Method Actor - 4) Getting Triggered in Present Day 28:59 The Child - 1) Characteristics of the Archetype 32:36 The Child - 2) Variations of the Archetype 33:25 The Child - 3) How Is the Archetype Toxic? 35:03 The Child - 4) Getting Triggered in Present Day 37:10 Final Thoughts 38:30 How to Work on This 43:11 Connect With Me 43:48 Outro Learn more about Patrick Teahan, Childhood Trauma Resources and Offerings ➡️ https://linktr.ee/patrickteahan MUSIC IS BY: Chris Haugen - Ibiza Dream • Chris Haugen - Ibiza Dream Editing Service: https://www.jamesrara.com/ ⚠️ Disclaimer My videos are for educational purposes only. Information provided on this channel is not intended to be a substitute for in person professional medical advice. It is not intended to replace the services of a therapist, physician, or other qualified professional, nor does it constitute a therapist-client or physician or quasi-physician relationship. If you are, or someone you know, is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go immediately to the nearest emergency room. If you are having emotional distress, please utilize 911 or the National Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255