Evening Prayer, Tuesday, Fourth Week in Lent, March 16, 2021

Evening Prayer, Tuesday, Fourth Week in Lent, March 16, 2021

Evening Prayer, Tuesday, Fourth Week in Lent, March 16, 2021 FEEL FREE TO LISTEN OR JOIN IN AS MUCH AS YOU WISH. See below for resources if you want to participate: SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY click https://app.easytithe.com/App/Giving/... to make a one-time or recurring donation to Saint Paul’s, or to modify or cancel a recurring donation. For assistance with donations, call 518-758-6271 and leave a message. Officiant: The Very Reverend Tom Malionek, Rector of Saint Paul’s Church, Kinderhook, New York, a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany, in the Anglican stream of the Christian tradition. IF YOU WISH TO JOIN IN: 1. After the opening sentence, in the Book of Common Prayer, 1979 (“BCP”), at page 63 or - 2. Click here: Saint Bede Breviary Evening Prayer http://breviary.stbedeproductions.com... THE PSALMS APPOINTED FOR THIS EVENING: Psalm 94 (page 722 in the Book of Common Prayer) Psalm 95 (page 724 in the Book of Common Prayer) SCRIPTURE TEXT: John 6:16-27 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/... TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: Option 1. Download a free PDF of Book of Common Prayer click https://www.churchpublishing.org/site.... Option 2. fill out the contact form at https://speck1851.weebly.com/contact-... check the box marked “I would like a Book of Common Prayer” include your name, address, and phone number TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE BIBLE: Option 1. You can find lots of on line Bibles. One good source is https://www.biblegateway.com/ We use the English Standard Version (ESV) for our Bible readings. Option 2. fill out the contact form at https://speck1851.weebly.com/contact-... check the box marked “I would like a Bible” include your name, address, and phone number LEARN MORE ABOUT US Option 1. click www.SPECK1851.weebly.com Option 2. click   / saintpaulskinderhook  . CONTACT US fill out the contact form at https://speck1851.weebly.com/contact-... TO SPEAK TO A PRIEST OR LEAVE A PRAYER REQUEST fill out the contact form at https://speck1851.weebly.com/contact-... make sure to check the appropriate boxes on the contact form. please also leave a phone number so we reach you quickly. TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR WEEKLY E-MAIL NEWSLETTER fill out the contact form at https://speck1851.weebly.com/contact-... make sure to check the box marked “I want to receive the weekly newsletter.” SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YouTube CHANNEL    / @saintpaulskinderhook1851   We are #stillthechurch We are #stillpraying #HeIsWithUsAlways