FFXIV Endwalker 6.0 MSQ Quests - Level 88 and Onward (Part 13 of Playthrough)
In this stream I'm playing part of the Endwalker MSQ of Final Fantasy 14. Starting the stream with the quest "Hither & Yarns". This quest begins following the hug heard and felt around the world. I'm hoping to finish the base Endwalker content in this stream. This playthrough is on a second character, so I'm already familiar with the story, although it has been months since I initially played this portion. Does it still hit as hard as it did for my first playthrough? Let's find out together. Remember to tap the like button to help my channel grow! And if you're not subscribed yet and want to see more content from me, tickle the subscribe button, and the bell too, to get notifications of videos and livestreams. Join this channel to get access to perks: / @zukiraphaera Members get a monthly members only livestream(s) or videos as well as early access to some other videos. Your membership helps make the magic happen. __________________ Affiliate links: Microphone I'm using: https://amzn.to/3Cfh3GQ Currently Reading - The Hive - Orson Scott Card https://amzn.to/3Qp7gW2 My hair is now Green - I used https://amzn.to/463eLYd Manic Panic's Green Envy, a vegan PPD & Ammonia free hair dye that is semi-permanent. If you shop on amazon after using my affiliate link(s) you'll help support the channel at no extra cost to you. __________________ If you have any questions or ideas for something you might like to see in a video, let me know! I'll see what I can do. ___________________ What are those bubbles and icons in the top left? : Those are the avatars for each person in voice chat with me, if I happen to also be in voice chat. If a green circle is around the icon, it means that person is talking. #ffxiv #ffxivendwalker #ffxivgameplay #endwalker ____________________________________ FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. © SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.