BTS "RUN BTS! EP 9"  Reaction - Can’t believe they bungee jumped!! 😱 | Couples React

BTS "RUN BTS! EP 9" Reaction - Can’t believe they bungee jumped!! 😱 | Couples React

Daniel, Summer, Abigail, & Gabriel react to episode 9 of RUN BTS! Periodically CCW will conduct polls on YouTube to decide which episode to upload. Enjoy the reaction! ---- Patreon:   / colombiancousinsandwives   Instagram:   / ccwreacts   TikTok:   / ccwreacts   Email: [email protected] Discord: Patreon Exclusive ----- Mailing Address: 1525 US Hwy 380, Suite 500-1005 Frisco, TX 75033 ----- Video: zvncity Thumbnail: starcvndy