“When Silence Speaks Louder than Words,” Romans 2:1-16, Steve Neumeyer Preaching, Transforming Word,
If you’re as old as I am, there’s a pop song from the 60’s that comes into your head every once in a while, and one line initially looks silly, but that same line becomes very meaningful. Can you remember it… “And the vision that was planted in my brain… still remains… within the sound of silence.” The opening chapters of Romans have some powerful statements, but they also often contain monotonous and sometimes confusing statements between the power verses. But we need to remember that BOTH those power phrases and those confusing lines can bring us great lessons about life in Christ. The chapter opens with three dimensions of the Law – The Law from God’s Word, The Law from the government, and the Law of the Holy Spirit – should have the goal of life, but too often man looks for loopholes that lead anywhere BUT life. Fast forward to Romans 7:23 and learn of yet another law...a law that does battle against the laws of Government, the Laws of Scripture, and the Laws of the Spirit. The Law that we obey reveals who we are in Christ and the Law that we obey becomes our sermon to the world. Yet today’s text ends in verses 15 and 16 by revealing that the law that we listened to and the law that we followed will determine our place before God on Judgment Day. In the end, there is a lot of noise around us, but when we listen to the words that are beyond the noise, there is a silent voice that becomes ever clearer and ever more potent. That silent voice is the Holy Spirit within us. That Silent Voice speaks the words of Life. In the end, many voices present their sets of rules… their laws.... before us. Which voice will you listen to? Your Destiny depends on it. “When Silence Speaks Louder than Words,” Romans 2:1-16 Steve Neumeyer Preaching Transforming Word Center ...an Assembly of God Outreach Eldora, IA [email protected]