12 “Must Grow” Survival Crops - 30 Days of Preparedness Collaboration- National Preparedness Month
#30daysofpreparedness #nationalpreparednessmonth #survivalskills Top 12 crops for the ultimate survival garden. What are good crops to grow for SHTF? What crops should a survivalist grow? Best crops for SHTF self sufficiency? What should I homesteader grow in their garden? Shout out to Morgan (Rogue Preparedness) for organizing this mega collaboration! Please be sure to check out all of the channels in this list: Rogue Preparedness - / @roguepreparedness Survivalist Prepper - / @survivalistprepper Prepper Potpourri - / @prepperpotpourri Iridium242 - / @iridium242 Prepping with Sarge - / @preppingwithsarge The Preparedness Guy - / @thepreparednessguyofficial Vision Preparedness - / @visionpreparedness The Provident Prepper - / @theprovidentprepper MuthaPrepper - / @muthaprepper The Angry Prepper - / @theangryprepper DIY Prepper TV - / @diypreppertv Suttons Daze - / @suttonsdaze Rule The Wasteland - / @thelordhumungus The Digital Prepper - / @thedigitalprepper Cold War Prepper - / @coldwarprepper Praxis Homesteading and Survival Skills - / @praxisprepper City Prepping - / @cityprepping #preppingforshtf #preppingforbeginners #Preppingforbeginners #Preppingonabudget #SHTF #Survivalskills #SHTFpreparation Prepping for SHTF, Doomsday Preppers, Survival, Survivalism, Survivalist, Bushcraft, EDC, Homestead, homesteaders, homesteader, prepper, preparedness Need Garden Seeds? Sarge recommends Superseeds! use coupon code "SARGE10" for 10% off orders of $20 or more https://www.superseeds.com As an Amazon affiliate, I may earn a small commission when you use my links. The Rhino Rescue Trauma IFAK: https://amzn.to/42jZeB3 The Ultimate Camping Chair: https://amzn.to/44yGX4N Need an emergency supply of antibiotics? Use my affiliate link! (They now also can prescribe a year long supply of meds for chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol and many more chronic health issues!!) https://www.jasemedical.com/preppingw... Discount code “SARGE10” for $10 off the Jase Case Want to buy silver from the most reliable online dealer? Here is my Apmex affiliate link: https://glnk.io/8712/prepping-with-sarge #apmex #preciousmetals #gold #silver #bullion @APMEX As a Wazoo affiliate, I may earn a small commission if you use my link, thank you so much for helping me out! https://www.wazoosurvivalgear.com?aff=sarge USE COUPON CODE: "SARGE2022" FOR 5% OFF YOUR ORDER! Grayl Water Filter Purification System for Backpacking, Hiking, Travel, and Bug Out Bags: (affiliate link- I may earn a small commission at no extra charge to you): https://www.avantlink.com/click.php?t... Order MRE's from MRE MOUNTAIN: https://prz.io/KbBlxEmsY Use that link to get $10 off your first purchase if you spend over $30 Holtzman Gorilla Survival Knives: https://holtzmansurvival.com/?ref=Sarge Discount code “SARGE” for 10% off Powertac Tactical Flashlights: As an affiliate, I may earn a small commission when you use my discount code at checkout, and YOU save 15% at checkout! Coupon Code: "SARGE" Powertac Site: https://www.powertac.com/ Want to buy a coffee for me? I love when people leave SUPER THANKS (see the button below) and you can get your comment pinned (shoutout your channel or business this way!) Want me to review one of your products for my viewers? Or discuss your brand ambassador program? [email protected] Prepping With Sarge PO BOX 31216 Charleston, SC 29417 shtf prepping for shtf, shtf survival, shtf preparation, financial survival, TEOTWAWKI, EDC, self-sufficiency, SHTFPreparation SHTFSurvival PreppingForSHTF, modern day survival, bushcraft, survival skills, how to start prepping video, youtube how to start prepping, SHTF prepper, preparedness, prepping for normal people, prepping for beginner, survival, survivalist, food shortage, TEOTWAWKI, food storage, self-sufficiency, survivalism, economic collapse hyperinflation, EDC, self-sufficiency, SHTFPreparation SHTFSurvival PreppingForSHTF financially prepared, economic disasters, emergencies,