PSN = xxVOID DUBSxx - to farm this strategy you need to progress far enough to reach the central loop in the main story, you will also need the carnage hall DLC in order to get the bloody ties glitched weapons which are 7 - 4 Or 1 hit a kill to many of the infected, those who aren’t aware of the carnage weapon glitch here is the tutorial to try out.⬇️ • (Carnage Hall) Glitched Weapon Farm D... Make sure you have OP consumables like the muscle, regeneration, toughness, endurance & immunity boosters along the way, people with god gear should just be fine since they are pretty much immune to the volatiles, those who still take 2% damage chances are you could get a 65% health regen each kill. (Difficulty Needs To Be Set On Either Hard Or Nightmare) its located in Saint Paul island, sleep to night and you wanna look for a volatile around the quarantine zoon to start the chase, run around for a little bit till you reach level 4 and go behind the quarantine zone with these vents and they could start spawning uncontrollably by 3 at a time, at any occasions they will stop spawning and you will meed to move away from that area to find another volatile avoiding the chase ending when the diamons are white, you will only have 20 seconds to do so, rinse & repeat till morning. hopefully i was helpful, enjoy the grind. #dyinglightgame #dyinglightcoop #dyinglight2update #zombieshorts #dyinglight2xboxseriesx #farming #glitches #dyinglightfarm