============================================ Ankur Narula Ministries, Apostle Ankur Yoseph Narula, Pastor Sonia Yoseph Narula, Khambra Church, Biggest Ministry, Sophia Yoseph Narula, Yirmeyah Yoseph Narula, The Church of Signs And Wonders, Sonia Narula Ministry, Ankur Narula Wife, Prerit Ankur Narula, Ankur Narula Ministry Fire Prayer, Ankur Narula Ministry Live Meeting, New Worship Song, Hindi Worship Songs, Punjabi Worship Songs, Ankur Narula Ministry Song,Live Prayer Mountain, Ankur Narula Ministry Live, Ankur Narula Ministry Sermon, Healing Prayer Hour, Apostle Ankur Narula Fire Prayer, Live Sunday Meeting, Live Thursday Meeting, परमेश्वर के लिए आपका बीज Sermon By Pastor Sonia Yoseph Narula, Live khambra Church, Today Live Ankur Narula, Ankur Narula Live 🎉🎄🎉CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION MEETING (25-12-2022) || ANKUR NARULA MINISTIRES 🎉🎄🎉 Ankur narula ministries Church The church of signs and wonders Apostle ankur narula Ankur narula ministries live Ankur narula Live Ankur narula ministries live Entry ============================================ {THIS IS THE OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL OF ANKUR NARULA MINISTRIES. YOU CAN ALSO CONNECT WITH US THROUGH FOLLOWING SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS.} ►Follow us on Facebook:- / ankurnarulaministries ►Follow us on Twitter :- / apostleankur ►Follow us on Instagram :- / ankurnarulaministries ►Wikipedia:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_... ►FOR MORE LATEST UPDATES SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL ------------ / ankurnarulaministries ---------------- ►Prayer Services EVERY SUNDAY MORNING :- 10:30 AM to 02:30 PM EVERY SUNDAY EVENING ONLINE SERVICE :- 06:30 PM to 10:30 PM EVERY THURSDAY :- 10:30 AM to 02:30 PM ►For Further Inquiries, Please Feel Free To Contact Us On Our Prayer Line Number:- 0091-181-520-7777 GOD BLESS YOU परमेश्वर आपको आशीषित करे #AnkurNarulaMinistries #ApostleAnkurYosephNarula #PastorSoniaYosephNarula #PastorSoniaNarula #AnkurNarula #ApostleAnkur #LiveSundayMeeting #AnugrahTV #LiveThursdayMeeting #ApostleAnkurYosephNarulaJi #PastorSoniaYosephNarulaJi