How to get rid of bedwetting in adults? - Dr. Ravish I R
Bed wetting is nothing but leaking of urine unnoticing or because of urgency in the bed before he gets up and goes to the toilet. Main cause of bed wetting is overflow incontinence or urgency incontinence or overflow incontinence and there is urine leakage after filling the bladder completely. Urgent incontinence is before he gets up and loses his control mechanism and so weak that he passes urine before he passes the toilet. Other causes should be found put by trying to find out the cause of lower urinary tract obstruction. 90% of the causes are because of lower urinary tract obstruction. The other cause may be because of neurogenic bladder. That means the bladder will not contract properly for the urine to be thrown out and in these cases there will be overflow incontinence. The primary cause should be seen and treated, then only the bed wetting mechanism can be stopped in adults.