God Made Me Special (Psalm 139) for Kid's Ministry (Sunday School Lesson)

God Made Me Special (Psalm 139) for Kid's Ministry (Sunday School Lesson)

God Made Me Special (Psalm 139) for Kid's Ministry (Sunday School Lesson) Passage: Psalm 139:1-24 Psalm 139 is a beautiful reminder that God knows us inside and out, better than we know ourselves. He has created us and loves us, and we can’t even begin to understand the depth of that care. God does wonderful and amazing things in nature and in our lives, and He has a plan for our lives that existed before we were even born! This lesson explores unique features about our bodies as a reminder that God formed us and made us special. Each and every one of us is precious and handmade by the Lord, the maker of all things. There is great comfort and peace in recalling that we are made, known, and loved by the God of the universe. He is mighty and powerful and awesome, and yet He cares for us as individuals. God knows our thoughts and understands us inside and out. He knit us together and designed us with purpose. We can rest assured that we are valuable and loved, no matter what we might do or not do. We have worth because of God’s love, and He will guide us in our lives. Check our website to see this lesson: SUNDAY SCHOOL STORE: https://sundayschool.store/products/t... CURRICULUM BUNDLES: https://sundayschool.store/collection... Follow us: PINTEREST:   / sundayschoolstore   LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/sundayschoolstore? FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/MinistryToCh... SUNDAYSCHOOLWORKS:    / @sundayschoolworks   MINISTRY-TO-CHILDREN:    / @tonykummer   #kidslesson #curriculumforkids #lesson #motivation #inspiration #forkids #friendrequest #wallpaper #jesusteaching #sundayschool #sundayschoolstore #kids #biblestory #children #kidslesson #materialsforkids #craftideasforkids #jesusloveschildren #biblelessonforchildren #free #freelesson #craftideasforkids #forkids #kidsministry #youthministry #summergame #gameforkids #partythemeforkids #Godmademespecial