Trinity Lutheran Keene NH Worship 12.15.24; 10:30 am
3rd Sunday of Advent December 15, 2024 AS WE GATHER While the secular calendar is a few weeks away, the new Church Year is now three weeks in. The season of Advent is marked by anticipation and hope as we await the coming of the Savior. This Advent, we rejoice to take the Road to the Nativity, reflecting on the road that leads us to hope, love, joy, and peace. In today’s worship, the focus is on the joy we’ve come to know as a result of God’s breaking into the world. With joy on full display, Mary takes a hasty “vacation” in order to visit her kinswoman Elizabeth. Both are rejoicing in the miracle that grows within their womb. Behold! A Savior comes, and with Him and the one who would announce His coming, joy abounds. Therefore, be encouraged, as the Lord bids us to make our way to the Christmas crib, and to the salvation God offers in Jesus’ name Pastor Ed Harkey ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Portions of this morning’s service were taken from Creative Worship for the Lutheran Parish, Series C, Quarter 1. Copyright © 2024 Concordia Publishing House. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Other music and streaming license used by permission: CCLI License # 500626. Video portions w/ permission: "The Skit Guys"