How to Keyboard Place | Minecraft Crystal PvP Tech [READ DESCRIPTION]

How to Keyboard Place | Minecraft Crystal PvP Tech [READ DESCRIPTION]

in the official vanilla pvp tierlist it is banned to remap your mouse buttons in a way that isn't allowed in vanilla minecraft, this includes remapping using your mouse software. It is however allowed to use a second keyboard that you place at your feet to control right click and keyboard place In this minecraft youtube video fruity_tanuki gives a tutorial on how to set up one of the most over powered combat strats for crystal pvp known as keyboard place or sometimes refered to as the method Keyboard place in minecraft crystal pvp is a technique that allows for incredibly high clicks per second (cps) regardless of clicking technique or mouse. It also allows for easy air place which is a technique first showcased by marlow / marlowww that allows you to place two respawn anchors in the same spot very quickly. Keyboard place also allows you to crystal very fast which is quite OP in cpvp where end crystals are the main weapon Minecraft crystal pvp (cpvp) is a combat method in the sandbox game of minecraft where players fight each other (hence player vs player) using minecraft's most OP weapon the end crystal which is used to heal the ender dragon but can also be crafted and creates a directional explosion powerful enough to one shot a player in full protection IV netherite armor or instantly pop a totem of undying. Respawn anchors are also heavily used which are intended to be used so the player can respawn in the nether dimension but in the overworld create an omnidirectional explosion barely less powerful than an end crystal and also destroying bocks creating a crater. Crystal pvp has been popularized by youtubers like clownpeirce and rasplin with a new generation of youtubers pushing the limits of what's possible like marlow drdonut itzblake and camcal #minecraft #cpvp #crystalpvp #minecraftpvp #airplace