NPA का मतलब क्या होता है .? What is NPA in Hindi | Bad Debt in Hindi | Largest NPA bank | Grow Asset

NPA का मतलब क्या होता है .? What is NPA in Hindi | Bad Debt in Hindi | Largest NPA bank | Grow Asset

Non performing assets in banking. NPA Samajhiye Hindi me. Bad debts meaning in hindi. What is NPA in Hindi? What is Bad Debt in Hindi.? Largest NPA bank in India is State Bank of India (SBI). What is Loss Asset Category.? Grow Asset will make Finance Simple. Non performing assets upsc. Bad debts in income tax. If the borrower has not been able to repay the loan to the bank, then that loan is considered as NPA. NPA stands for Non Performing Asset. It is also called Bad Debts in other words. If the loan is not recovered for 2 to 3 years, then it is put in Loss Asset Category and it is written off by showing it in Loss of Balance Sheet. The highest NPA in India is that of SBI Bank which is worth Rs. 1.21 lakh crore. कर्जदार ने लिया कर्जा अगर वो बँक को चुका नही पाया तो उस कर्जे को NPA माना जाता है | NPA का मतलब होता है Non Performing Asset | उसे दुसरे शब्दो मे Bad Debts मतलब 'डुबा हुया कर्जा' भी कहा जाता है | 2 से 3 साल तक अगर वो कर्जा रिकव्हर नही हुया तो उसे Loss Asset Category मे डाला जाता है और Balance Sheet के Loss मे दिखाकर Write Off कर दिया जाता है | भारत मे सबसे ज्यादा NPA SBI बँक का है जो की 1.21 लाख करोड का है | ================================================= Basics of Share Market for Beginners in Hindi | शेयर मार्केट क्या है ? |    • Basics of Share Market for Beginners ...   ================================================= अगर आपको Demat अकाऊंट शुरू करना है तो आप नीचे दिये लिंक से शुरू कर सकते है| इज लिंक से आपको अकाऊंट ओपनिंग चार्जेस और AMC चार्जेस नही लगेगे | Upstox Referral Link: Zerodha Referral Link: WazirX Referral Link: ऐसे ही फायनान्शियल जानकारी के लीये जॉइन करे हमरा टेलेग्राम चॅनेल Grow Asset (Telegram Channel for Financial Education) Share Market Winners (Telegram Channel for Share Market Calls) Our Website: