രാവിലെ ഇനി എന്തെളുപ്പം ഈ സൂത്രം ചെയ്യൂ| Easy Breakfast Recipes In Malayalam #paalappam #vellayappam

രാവിലെ ഇനി എന്തെളുപ്പം ഈ സൂത്രം ചെയ്യൂ| Easy Breakfast Recipes In Malayalam #paalappam #vellayappam

Simple and Easy to make yummy recipes in the easiest method and shortest time. Do try out and let us know your feedback. Please do watch till the end this video and give us your feed back through comments. Also Please do subscribe those who are not subscribed yet and click the bell icon to get the latest updates. Thank you once again for watching Ithaanu ruchi ithanu ruchi ithanu ruji idanu ruji #wheatappam #paalappam #vellayappam #appam #instantbreakfast #instantappam #easybreakfastrecipe #easyappam #appamrecipe #simplebreakfast #softappam #ithanuruchi Palappam Paalappam Malayalam Palappamrecipe Wheat flour Palappam Recipe Egg Roast Malayalam Wheat Palappam Recipe Quik Breakfast Instant breakfast Instant Breakfast malayalam Wheat Vellayappam Recipe Breakfastrecipe Dinnerrecipe Instantpalappam Howtomakepalappam Rice Flour palappam Recipe Healthybreakfastrecipe Instantappam Appam Recipe Muttaroast Vellayappam Vellappam Palappam Recipe Palappam Recipe malayalam Soft Palappam Recipe