6 Hour All 10 Miracle Solfeggio Healing - Manifest Abundance - Liberate - Angel Zheng Harp Music
6 Hour All 10 Miracle Solfeggio Healing - Manifest Abundance - Liberate - Angel Zheng Harp Music #HMHB 479 You feel relax when you take a deep breathe and listen to a earth density healing vibration and getting higher in each 5 minutes interval with relaxing music track. Just to make you adapt to the surrounding to feel yourself so we are processing, this track from natural an-aesthetic 174 Hz, 528 Hz Miracle Tone, 432 Hz Earth Density Vibration to 963 Hz Pineal Gland Activation is designed to fully cleanse of whole body. Important Note : We recommend you to use normal standard speakers but no head phones , because isochronic tones are used that are gradually higher that we normally hear, Do it in a peaceful or your comfortable environment home , office anywhere you stick for long normally. Namaste & Welcome To Himalayan Meditation and Healing Binaural. 0:00 - 174 Hz | Pain Healing Rife Frequency or Frequency That Removes Pain. 5:02 - 285 Hz | Influence Energy Field, Enhance Immune System, Fast Heal Cell Repair, Regenerate Tissues. 10:03 - 396 Hz | Liberate or Relieve From Guilt and Fear, Destroys Unconscious Blockage and Negative Energy or Emotions 15:04 - 417 Hz | Facilitates Change - Undoing Situations - Remove All Negativity 20:03 - 432 Hz | Miracle Tone of Earth Density and Nature, Whole Body Transformations, Nature Frequency The above 5 frequencies are set in (-30 db) to make it familiar and hear able in a daily basis. 25:02 - 528 Hz | Repair DNA, Brain Healing and Increasing Power, Manifest Love, Abundance , Peace and Harmony. 30:02 - 639 Hz | Relationships and Reconnecting, Attract Love, Harmonize Relationships , Love, Peace and Miracle Tone for Positive Energy 35:01 - 741 Hz | Spiritual Awakening Intuition - CLEANSE INFECTIONS, VIRUS, BACTERIA, FUNGAL, DISSOLVE TOXINS & ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS or Boost Immune System 40:02 - 852 Hz | Attract Soul Tribe, Returning Into Spiritual Order, Love Frequency, Raise Energy Vibration, Deep Healing Frequency Meditation, Healing Tones, Awaken your Psychic Skills, Extrasensory Perception 45:01 - 963 Hz | Experience Oneness - Awakening Your Higher Mind or Higher Self - Connect with Light and Spirit, Pineal Gland Activator Frequency, Cleanse Aura of all Negative Energies The above 5 frequencies are higher frequencies so as are set in (-35db) with the soothing relaxing track to make it familiar and hear able in a daily basis. Note : *We are using CAFL (Consolidated Annotated Frequency List for Royal Rife Frequency as a reference) also, *"Binaural" or "Isochronic" Pure Tones in such a way in a hear able manner. *Rife tone generate resonance waves that destroy harmful pathogenic organisms without doing any harm to listeners. *Loud sounds at or above 85db (decibels) can lead to loss of hearing in the long run. Enjoy, feed back & kindly subscribe to get updated (YouTube: / @himalayanmeditationandhealing ) Daily Playlists; Daily Meditation Music ; https://bit.ly/DailyMeditationMusic Daily Quotes : https://bit.ly/QuotesHMHB Daily Affirmations : https://bit.ly/AffirmationsHMHB Boost your whole body cell, DNA repair and transformation for positive manifestation with "All 7 Chakra Meditation Music". 432 Hz | Root Chakra (Muldhara): https://bit.ly/RootChakraHealingMusic 480 Hz | Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): https://bit.ly/SacralChakraHealingMusic 528 Hz | Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) : https://bit.ly/SolarPlexusChakraHeali... 594 Hz | Heart Chakra (Anahata) : https://bit.ly/HeartChakraHealingMusic 672 Hz | Throat Chakra (Visuddha) : https://bit.ly/ThroatChakraHealingMusic 720 Hz | Third Eye Chakra (Anja/ Brow) : https://bit.ly/ThridEyeChakraHealingM... 768 Hz | Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) : https://bit.ly/CrownChakraHealingMusic Let's Connect: Facebook: / himalayanmeditationhealingbinaural Instagram: / himalayanhealingbinaural Sound cloud : / himalayan-meditation-and-healing-binaural Twitter: / himalayan_heal Linkedin : / himalayan-meditation-and-healing-binaural Pinterest : / himalayanhealingbinaural Reddit: / healingbinaural Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/himalyanh... #SolfeggioFrequencies #6HourHealing #AuraCleanse #6HourRelaxing #RegenerateTissues #WholeBodyHealing #RelaxingMusic #HealingMusic #174Hz #285Hz #396Hz #417Hz #432Hz #528Hz #639Hz #741Hz #852Hz #963Hz © Himalayan Meditation and Healing Binaural #HMHB