December 10, 2023 Traditional Worship 11:00am at Anona UMC

December 10, 2023 Traditional Worship 11:00am at Anona UMC

Welcome to Anona United Methodist Church - December 10, 2023 A place where YOU BELONG; YOU ARE LOVED; YOU ARE VALUED; YOU ARE BELIEVED IN. If you want to learn more about Anona or perhaps you are ready to join - Email [email protected]. Check In - Please take a moment to "check-in" on our virtual attendance pad. You can include prayer requests, personal updates and more! For more information on getting connected through Small Groups, Classes, Missions and more go to: Advent All Ages Bible Study - Join us on Wednesday evenings from December 6th to the 20th for our Advent All-Ages Bible Study. We kick things off with an optional open-house dinner at 5:30 pm, followed by age-specific Bible Studies at 6:15. The adults and youth will dive into Adam Hamilton's 'The Journey' book, aligning with our Sunday morning sermons. Meanwhile, the kids and youth will have their special Advent curriculum. It's a faith-filled gathering for everyone! Registration available on our website! December 10th Prayer Quilts: #3476 PAT HERRINGTON / #3477 SHARI MOORE / #3478 VADA MAE EDER / #3479 HALLIE PRATT Anona Visitation Ministry - Information Gathering - The next Gathering Meeting is: January 7th 9:30am and 10:45am. Go online to sign up. Advent Giving Tree - Take a tag from one of our trees and bless the receiver with Hope, Joy, Love or Peace this December. More information will be available soon. Christmas Cantata - December 10th - 8:15am and 11:00am services - SONGS OF LOVE, PEACE, HOPE and JOY, featuring the music of Dan Forrest... Presented by the Sanctuary and Classical choirs and the Anona . Christmas Movie Night - Get ready for a jolly Christmas Movie Night at Anona! Before the holiday madness begins on Christmas Eve, we're hosting a special screening of "The Star" on Friday, Dec 22nd at 6:30pm. We've got hot chocolate and popcorn on the house for a cozy night of holiday cheer. Grab your favorite Christmas PJs, bring a chair or blanket, and let's make it a magical evening! Christmas Eve Services - Morning service at 10:00 am in the Traditional Sanctuary. Evening Services at 6pm and 8pm in both Sanctuaries. For the first time this year we are combining our traditional and contemporary services for one large service at 6pm and 8pm. Join us as we come together and celebrate the birth of Jesus through worship and song. Hang out with us in-between the services for cookies and hot chocolate! Give by mail, app, Text "anona" to 833-676-5698 or go to Stephen Ministry is a confidential lay ministry that provides distinctively Christian one-on-one care. If you, or someone you know, needs a Stephen Minister you may contact Stephen Leader, Clara Rogers at 727-463-1767 or call the church office at 727-595-2581 ext. 408. Anona Kids need your help!! Want to invest in the next generation? For information on how to become a volunteer in Anona Kids, please contact Bonnie or Casey. Also, check out the website and watch Bonnie's amazing video!! New To Anona? New to Anona and want to know more, or are you interested in becoming a member? Visit our website and join us on Zoom! ANONA UMC is a church community that is made up of all generations, and we invite you to visit us! Come as you are, dress is informal—even for the traditional services - our address is 13233 Indian Rocks Rd., Largo, FL 33774 • 727-595-2581 Sunday Worship at Anona: Children, Youth and Adults - Check out our website for information on all our worship services. Follow us on social media. Check out our website and scroll down to the bottom for some great information!! Interested in past services and sermons? Catch up with our past services here Interested in podcasts? Subscribe to our podcast in your podcast player of choice here to listen to our past sermons while out on a walk! Licensing Information: CCLI Lyrics: 11515071 CCLI Streaming: CSPL017189 CCS WORSHIPcast & PERFORMmusic: 9820