Doctors discuss ApoB and Insulin resistance — Can Models account for LMHRs?

Doctors discuss ApoB and Insulin resistance — Can Models account for LMHRs?

This video is the first in a series discussing high cholesterol on a ketogenic diet, particularly in the context of new research into the Lean Mass Hyper-Responder currently underway. We discuss the present view of modern medicine for high ApoB on cardiovascular disease risk in the context of healthy individuals, featuring clips courtesy of an interview with Dr. William Cromwell on the Nutrition Made Simple YouTube channel (   • Can you develop Heart Disease if you'...  ) Dr. William Cromwell is the Chief Medical Officer of Precision Health Reports - Nutrition Made Simple is hosted by Gil Carvalho MD PhD -   / nutritionmadesimple   0:00 Introduction to the Controversy 0:53 Insulin Resistance and Heart Disease Risk 2:56 The Debate on ApoB and Other Risk Factors 4:59 Interaction of Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, and High apob 5:41 Rising Cholesterol on a Ketogenic Diet 6:00 Study on High LDL Cholesterol with Low Risk Factors