Blessing Chanting Maha Paritta Bhante Devananda Lankarama Buddhist Temple California USA

Blessing Chanting Maha Paritta Bhante Devananda Lankarama Buddhist Temple California USA

Blessing Chanting Maha Paritta Bhante Devananda Lankarama Buddhist Temple California USA. Bhante Devananda Leading Chanting. Na ve kadariya devalokam vajantibala have nappasamsanti danamdhiro ca danam anumodamanoteneva so hoti sukhi parattha. Verse 177: Indeed, misers do not go to the abode of the devas; fools do not praise charity; but the wise rejoice in charity and so gain happiness in the life hereafter. #bhantedevananda #mettabhavana #buddhistmonk #mayallbeingsbehappyandpeaceful #indianabuddhisttemple #compassionateliving #gooddeeds #goodkarma #sharinghappiness #sabbesattabhavantusukhitatta #buddhism #buddha #buddhisttemple #dhammadesana #buddhatemple #buddhateachings #lovingkindness #metta #dhammapada #buddhastatue #meditationretreat #dharma #smilingmonk #Anumodana #indianameditation #anapanasati #buddhism #mayallbeingsbehappy #bhantedevanandabirthday #meditationcenter