BIOS Recovery Trick:  I Fixed This Frozen Dell Laptop #shorts #laptoprepair

BIOS Recovery Trick: I Fixed This Frozen Dell Laptop #shorts #laptoprepair

This laptop was delivered today, and there was a major problem with it. The customer had mailed in his Dell XPS 13 to us because he said two shops could not figure it out. The first thing I saw was that it powered on and got a Dell screen, but then froze there. I could see that there was a light error code which pointed to a corrupted BIOS. I tried a CMOS reset by removing the main battery and discharging all the power in the system. Nope, I still got the same error. I tried to see if we could enter Dell BIOS recovery by holding Control and Escape on boot. Still nope, which was really bad news for this customer, but I had a trick up my sleeve. We got it under the microscope and located the BIOS chip. I used my chip reader to extract the BIOS contents. Then I opened it in a HEX editor which allowed me to inject a fresh BIOS version. Now I wrote it back to the chip and gave it a try. Okay, now we were getting a bad LCD light code error instead. Which was strange because it had a picture, so I tested it on another laptop and it was definitely bad. So I grabbed a new one and got that installed. And that fixed the laptop. If you need a repair,