Savory,High Protein Turkish Mung Bean salad,Mas Piyazi

Savory,High Protein Turkish Mung Bean salad,Mas Piyazi

Turkish mung bean salad, known as "maş piyazı" is a refreshing and crunchy salad made with cooked mung beans, onions, fresh herbs and spices. It's a perfect side dish or light meal for a hot summer day. (Piyaz generally referring to salads made with beans in Turkish cuisine, is adopted from the Persian word, (फ़ारसी – onion) and maş means mung beans in Turkish) Mung beans are also a great source of plant-based protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and folate. They have also been linked to numerous health benefits. तुर्की मूंग दाल सलाद को तुर्की में मास पियाज़ी कहा जाता है. यह मूंग दाल से बना एक सलाद है. मूंग दाल को हिन्दी में मूंग या हरा चना भी कहा जाता है.  इस सलाद में मूंग दाल के साथ अखरोट, जैतून, और अनार के बीज मिलाए जाते हैं. यह सलाद स्वादिष्ट, हल्का, और पौष्टिक होता है, तुर्की मूंग बीन सलाद, जिसे "मास पियाज़ी" के नाम से जाना जाता है, पके हुए मूंग, प्याज, ताज़ी जड़ी-बूटियों और मसालों से बना एक ताज़ा और कुरकुरा सलाद है। यह गर्मी के दिनों के लिए एक बेहतरीन साइड डिश या हल्का भोजन है। (पियाज़ आमतौर पर तुर्की व्यंजनों में बीन्स से बने सलाद को संदर्भित करता है, जिसे फ़ारसी शब्द (फ़ारसी - प्याज) से लिया गया है और मास का मतलब तुर्की में मूंग होता है) मूंग बीन पौधे-आधारित प्रोटीन, फाइबर और विटामिन और खनिजों जैसे आयरन, मैग्नीशियम और फोलेट का भी एक बड़ा स्रोत है। उन्हें कई स्वास्थ्य लाभों से भी जोड़ा गया है। Diabetic Friendly Sprouts Salad Recipe - Healthy Weight Loss Recipe - Moong Bean Sprouts Salad. sprouts salad recipe for diabetic diet weight loss, mung bean sprouts salad is a healthy weight loss salad without oil, this quick and easy salad is made with freshly sprouted moong dal and chopped vegetables, ideal to include in diabetic diet or as healthy meal in your weight loss diet. This oil free salad is made healthier with natural healthy fats and it is completely vegan. how to sprouts mung beans. #highproteinsalad #food #foodie #instafood #yummy #delicious #restaurant #foodielife #eats #salad #saladrecipe #saladforweightloss #saladrecipeforweightloss #salads #saladweek #foodsforweightloss #foodvideo #likes #delicious #followback #chocolate #homemade #healthyfood #video #foodstagram #youtube #foodphotography #dessert #foodgasm #foodblogger #foodlover #tasty #eat #cooking #styleblogger #foodpics #foodies cooking, no talk cooking, anamikas kitchen, turkish cuisine, turkish food, middle eastern food, turkish recipes in english, mediterranean chickpea salad, salad recipes, healthy salad recipes, high protein salad, mung bean salad, spicy mung bean salad, vegan mung bean recipes, mung bean recipes, high protein mung bean salad, high protein salad recipes, plant based mung bean salad, maş piyazı, mung bean recipe, turkish mung bean salad,yt:cc=on, sprouts salad recipe, sprouts salad, sprouts salad for weight loss, healthy weight loss, salad recipes, sprouts, salad, recipe, weight loss, oil free, without oil, nisa homey, anamika recipes. high protein turkish mung bean salad, turkish mung bean salad, high protein spicy turkish chickpea salad, mung bean salad recipes, mung beans salad recipe, mung bean protein recipes, mung bean salad turkish, mung bean protein isolate, mung bean recipes for bodybuilding, mung bean calories, mung bean salad indian style, high protein moong dal cutlet, high protein moong cutlet, moong dal protein salad, veg bean salad recipes, high protein chickpea salad recipe,mas piyazi, mas piyazı nasıl yapılır, savory salad, savory salad recipes, savory fruit salad, savory macaroni salad, savory potato salad, savory cucumber salad, savoury salad recipes, savory salads, salad at dinner, grams salad recipes, salad recipes jain, veg. salad, mung bean salad, mung bean salad recipes, mung bean salad indian style, mung bean sprouts salad recipe, how to make mung bean sprouts salad, mung bean salad turkish, how to make mung bean salad, beans salad, green beans cucumber salad, green mung bean salad, how to make mung bean sprout salad, fresh green bean salad recipes, mung bean sprouts salad, high protein salad, high protein salad recipes, high protein salad weight loss, high protein salad for weight gain, high protein salad vegetarian, high protein salad veg, high protein salad at home, high protein and fibre salad, how to make high protein salad at home, high protein salad breakfast, high protein bean salad recipe, best high protein salad, high protein easy salad, easy high protein salad, high protein salad indian, high protein salad india.