Daily word of God | December 25, 2022 | devotion #prayer #dailybibleverse #god #jesus #shorts

Daily word of God | December 25, 2022 | devotion #prayer #dailybibleverse #god #jesus #shorts

DAILY WORD OF GOD - December 25, 2022 | devotion prayer We have been preparing for today for the past 4 weeks. Of course the stores and the media and the radio stations have been preparing for the past two or more months! Hopefully, we have been preparing to welcome Jesus into our hearts once more as we celebrate his birthday. Tomorrow, the Christmas music will end, the decorations will come down, and as every early morning paper deliverer knows, there will be trees on the sidewalk to be picked up. For us, we should still be celebrating, and we should still be celebrating for the next three weeks, until the Baptism of Jesus. Let us pray today, let us tell the story of Jesus' birth. Let us turn to him as the shepherds did praising God and telling all they met about this miraculous birth of a baby who would save the world. There is a children's video that explains Christmas to little children with both story and song. One of the songs that I particularly like speaks to us of the connection between Christmas and Easter. It speaks of how Good Friday and Easter are the reason for celebrating Christmas. Without the saving acts of Jesus, and his subsequent Resurrection and appearances to the disciples, this birth would have gone unnoticed as just another baby boy born in Bethlehem. So, enjoy the gifts, try to play the music for the rest of the week, let the tree stay up until Epiphany, let the wonder of the season surround you, and say a prayer of gratitude of this great gift. -Luke 2:10-11 Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for sending us your Son. May we never take Christmas for granted as we pray, glory to you in the highest, and may there be peace on earth to all of good will. Amen. #bible #verseoftheday #morningprayer #bibleverse #mysaviour #LordJesusChrist #scriptures #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #christian #christianity #foryou #fyp #tiktok #dailybibleverse #bibleversedaily #blessings #prayer #blessed #virginmary #joseph #john #peter #healing #miracle