Kamala Harris is a fraudulent progressive who will hinder Joe Biden
Joe Biden has made a fatal mistake appointing failed presidential candidate Kamala Harris as his running mate. The Democrats want Harris to be a signal of hope and progress for a nation being torn apart by racial turmoil. Instead, she will end up becoming the brutal reminder of the radical left’s role in blocking a black man from accessing information that could save him from death row. Today’s Harris is very different to the woman who earned a reputation as a ruthless prosecutor as California’s attorney general from 2011 and 2017. Despite admitting that she herself enjoyed smoking weed while listening to the likes of Tupac and Snoop Dog, Harris jailed more than 1800 people for marijuana during her tenure as AG. That revelation by Representative Tulsi Gabbard in a debate in July last year almost ended her bid to become the Democratic presidential nominee on the spot. Viewers could see Harris’ face crumble when details of her indiscretions were aired. “I’m concerned about this record of Senator Harris. She put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana,” Gabbard said at the debate. Although the fierce representative from Hawaii had already landed a kill shot on Harris, she didn’t stop there. Gabbard was armed with even more career-ending ammo. “She blocked evidence that would have freed a man from death row until the courts forced her to do so,” Gabbard said. “She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California. And she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.” Harris told the New York Times “I feel awful about this” when asked about Kevin Cooper – the black man on death row. But instead of apologising for not allowing the advanced DNA testing which many legal experts say would clear him of four murders, Harris blamed her staff. “Senator Harris ran an office of 5000 people and takes responsibility for all the actions of the [California] Department of Justice during her tenure," a statement from Harris’s campaign read. "Most of the legal activity around this case occurred before her terms in office, but this specific request was made to and decided by lower level attorneys." Lower level attorneys. Not her fault then. Not her responsibility. She also blamed her staff for arguing in court that prisoners should remain in jail because they needed more people to fight bushfires. The media leapt in to defend Harris over the next few months but the woman who once looked like a potential progressive nominee had dropped so far in the polls she lost the party’s backing. By December she announced her race was over, citing a lack of finances as the reason. And Gabbard, who destroyed the radical left’s prospects of electing a progressive black woman, was cast out by her own party. The Democrats must feel that American voters have a short memory. Indeed, much has happened in 2020 to distract from a rather complicated timeline in the quest for a Democratic candidate who can challenge President Donald Trump. Joe Biden was the best choice of a group of bad candidates because he provided at least some degree of assurance his party had not been completely hijacked by activists. Now President Trump is running against the radical left, a position he is very comfortable assuming. For Harris has even attacked Joe Biden on race – blasting his record on busing and racial segregation. She is a woman whose hypocrisy on race and prison reform is glaring. Her identity as a woman from an immigrant family will only serve to appease the tiny fragment of society which worships identity politics. The voters who care about facts will dismiss her as a fraud. Image: Twitter / @JoeBiden