휘핑크림 가득한 아인스페너 비엔나커피 도전:) Einspanner Coffee[Vienna Coffee]☕️

휘핑크림 가득한 아인스페너 비엔나커피 도전:) Einspanner Coffee[Vienna Coffee]☕️

저의 홈카페 첫 메뉴는 아인스페너(비엔나 커피)에요 :) 원두를 갈아서 내리는것부터 물을 붓는것 모두 제대로 하는게 하나도 없지만 영상을 만들어 가며 차근차근 배워보려구요:) 플리커현상 죄송해요ㅠ 담부턴 불을 끄고 영상을 찍어야겠 구독과 좋아요는 행복입니다ㅠㅠ This free background music is safe for content creators to use in their YouTube videos, without the worry of a copyright strike or content id claim This track has been publicly released by the artist "Dj Quads" under a "Public Attribution Agreement " You are free to use this song for anything you wish however, you MUST credit the artist! (Details about "How to correctly credit the artist are provided below ) This song is called 'Chilled' by the individual artist, and producer "Dj Quads " The download link for this track is provided below the "Artist Credit Instructions " Simply click the link to download the FREE MP3