Mission Viejo Church of Christ - August 22, 2021 - Online Sunday Morning Worship
This is a live / recorded broadcast of our Children's worship service and our entire live main worship service from the Mission Viejo Church of Christ. Mission Viejo Church of Christ August 22, 2021 – Order of Worship Kidz Worship – 10:15 – 10:30 am Song: Blessed Be Your Name Welcome, Announcements, Offering: Andrew Roberts Song: Praise Medley Song: Days of Elijah Song: Here I Am to Worship Communion: Jason Oualline Kidz Dismissal Song: How Great is Our God Song: Our God, He is Alive Scripture: Stephan Uscanga – Colossians 3:12-14 Sermon: “Forgive One Another” – Aaron Stevens Song: Light the Fire Prayers over those going to college – Aaron Stevens Closing Prayer/Benediction: Aaron Stevens